
Sunday, August 13, 2006

Made sure to go take a good shit and stretch my shins before the run just now.

Ran until chest abit pain. Could almost feel my asthma come back... but anyway, new personal best: 11:06. Shaneroh!

That would be a 9:00min to 9:30min 2.4km timing. Goal. At last haha. Now to make sure I stay around here or continue to get faster and not let this be a tyco fluke.

Was about time the cappilaries formed anyway. I estimate about 10-20 seconds more of improvement before next plateau and I'll have to go back to interval training.

Pullups: 35, 25, 20.

Couldn't break 40 today... stupid door frame is so godamn narrow, cannot stretch lats properly.

Only 3 sets of 40 pause crunches. Time to change program abit, kinda stagnating.

Need to faster break the 40 mark for pullup and get on my way to 50 asap.

2 more days till the interview and I can finalize my plans for the rest of my nsf career.

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