
Friday, February 02, 2007

So Louie is going to Aus to study games. Like... how vague is that. Nevertheless I'm glad he's decided to pursue his dream. I've always known that he a talented gamer by the cheap pk strategies he came up with in UO. I think he could have beat me in a pk fight. But, a talented gamer doesn't make a talented game programmer, although it gives somewhat of an advantage.

Louie was the only coursemate I connected with back in my first year. Quiet, demented RI GP guy. We clicked perfectly. Hahaha. I thought that we had so much in common. Our course, dragon bt, that is, until he switched course to IT, and left the team. I can never understand why he left the course. He clearly loved design. Though he was making a big fuss about the workload. As much as we had in common, he was more damaged emotionally.

Why is it most smart people turn out to be social rejects?

I hated the stigma. After high school I suppose I went all out to compensate.

Ok, sleepy.

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