
Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Today marks the last day I go to camp for stupid shit. Normally people would be ecstatic on their ORD date or towards the date. But I feel indifferent for some reason. Perhaps its because ord or not, I don't frickin go to camp.

It was a system that seemed scary at first. Everyone I knew had gone through it and went along with it. Some resigned themselves to their fate, others got lucky vocations or jobs, or were extremely lucky to get attached out.

But I was not going to depend on luck. Some people may think I'm lucky to have landed my vocation and be able to enjoy everything that I do. But the truth is I made my job the way it is. It wasn't easy finding the right time to duck underwater, or come out and really shine so damn bright.

Power doesn't belong to those who have higher rank. It belongs to those who can work the system to their benefit. Every step I took toward my current job was but one of several well planned options that worked out. And when I finally got the job, I redefined the job scope again and again until I was happy.

No need for attachment, no need for off, no need for leave. Some people can take mc for years, but I didn't need to.

So I'd say on a whole, its me: 1, saf: 0. It was fun, though. Definitely a once in a lifetime experience. Heheh.

Some of the warrants probably still bear grudges. I could see it in their smile. I remember how they would belittle my colleagues, but when it came to me, I was untouchable. Try as they might, I was always one step ahead of them.

And so I begun the sacred journey today as part of the ritual that all ord'rs have to go through. To play the pokemon game. Except that instead of pokeballs, you get autographs. I was wondering who the hell were 3/4 of the people on this weird list, only to find out they wondered who the hell I was too.

Gedong is a huge camp. Walking around from one place to another, I suddenly realized something. This was the path that we always ran for live runs. Were the life run routes constructed in such a way so that we would automatically know where to go? Like salmon instinctively knowing that they have to swim up the damn stream.

Halfway through the 3km route, I was damn thirsty and went to the water cooler in the canteen near the track. I remember how CX and I would do sneak out of the office in the mornings to do insane interval runs and crunches, then go to that very water cooler, where the outlet was busted, so we used the tap when there was a huge sign saying "Do not use the tap outlet". But we didn't give a rat's scrotum. I still remember how we'd be so godamn thirsty, the first drinker would gulp down the water as fast as possible but quickly move back for the other person to take a drink before going back for second round so as to not deprive the other person of water.

Last wrestling match with Auston in the office before leaving. The stupid ang moh pai drove my injured elbow into the wall. Son of a. Think his gym sessions have been paying off because I couldn't headlock him as easily as last time.

I'll miss that place. I'll miss my computer. The one I wasted 3k on along with 5k in software of the saf's funds but ultimately ended up using my home com instead.

There's a tinge of bitterness towards the place, but somehow I feel sad having to leave. Humans are such weird beings. As long as it was a part of your life, even for a brief period, we tend to reminisce and miss.

Overall during my short stay there, there were good times. Lots of them. I'll miss ya, gedong. The next short and final trip will be to pickup the pink gay card. And lastly, one medal of recognition, one testimonial and two letters of commendation.

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