
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I remember why I made it a point to pace myself when work is concerned...

I'm a workaholic. And combined with the fact that I work from home... I could keep going 24/7. Need to discipline myself to take a break. Gotta make sure I don't burn out.

Bike lesson today turned into some sort of water sport thanks to the stupid rain. And the stupid rain killed my phone which I managed to resurrect, but the battery won't charge now. Godamnit.

In about 12 hours time I'll know if it worked or not. Its stupid to take certain risks or cause yourself pain, but if it means I can finally go beyond my present handicap, I'll do it.

Went to order the specs in the evening while waiting for nitek to gym, which the slaht eventually cancelled omg. It sucks having astigmatism, but if the specs will restore my right eye to better than perfect condition, then so be it. To think all this trouble would have been avoided if i had just blocked that hit to my eye so many years back. Contacts are a huge pain in the ass. Besides, the left eye is still perfect, so if I need to kill anything, I can just close my right eye and do it. Huhuhu.

Its been raining the whole day today. Literally the whole day. If this was a night back in recce, I would be lying on my bunk with the blanket over, reading a good book with the rain pattering everywhere outside, cold breeze coming in through the windows. Wah, so depressing.

By the end of the week, it will be a new start.

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