
Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sometimes I just want to stay away from home, because when I'm home, I think of work, and gotta do work.

On a side note, I've at last passed the 40 mark for pullups. Let this be a day of great joy and celebration. 50, here I come.

Completed 100 pullups in 3 sets today. Chest was a travesty, because of the pumping before that. Someone was relishing his sweet victory for once.

As much as I like to tell people about karma, and how we should all try to do more good deeds.... its ironic that I probably have the worse karma of all.

Its good to have a strong opinion about something, it gives life perspective. But its not good to have too strong a view about some things, because too much focus breeds narrow-mindedness, and no matter how strongly I feel about something, I try my best not to make any ultimatums, because I've seen too many people critically limited by their ultimatums.

If you keep trying to show everyone the shiney stones in your hands, you'll never be able to pick up the diamonds underneath you.

I wonder what it would feel like to be able to do that to someone without worrying about landing a penetrating or shattering blow. I admire people who have the freedom to do so, yet due to the past, can't help but look down on them a little.

Need to get a punching bag and relearn how to swing instead of snap. Wonder if its possible to reconfigure.

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