
Monday, July 19, 2004

Today I was very stressed out at work.
[Function= "Reu's thoughts"]
[Statedef 1]
Thinking about mom sick.
[Statedef 2]
Thinking about project for work.
[Statedef 3]
Thinking about getting project for work done as soon as possible so that I can leave early and be on time for training on wednesday.
[Statedef 4]
Thinking about the dragonboat team and training.
[Statedef 5]
Thinking about the Chakra trailer soundtrack that isn't completed yet.
[Statedef 6]
Thinking about the nyp musical poster that isn't ammended yet.
[Statedef 7]
Thinking about screwed I am for next month's canoeing nationals.
[Statedef 8]
Thinking about having to leave work at 7 to rush down to meet mom for dinner and collect her medicine with her.
[Statedef 9]
Thinking about how that will affect the project tomorrow.
[Statedef 10]
Thinking about how I will be able to finish it tomorrow and make it for training tomorrow.
[stateno 10, 1]
Changestate =  stateno = 1
;Infinite state loop!!!

I wonder if I bit off too much than I can chew.... I wonder if that is an excuse for me to take the easy way out. I wonder if I can adapt, if I can balance all this out. I wonder if things are out of perspective.
If I were to die right now, I wonder what all the people who are depending on me would do.
Ivan and his microvault project,
Edelweis and her banners
Ross and her music,
Norvin and his music,
The team,
And I'm saying this as if all this stuff was forced upon me. No, I wanted this.
So yeah, I'll adapt.
This is nothing.

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