
Wednesday, July 21, 2004

So Boss didn't let me go off early for training today.

I was quite fruastrated at first, and really pissed off.

But, it is out of his kindness that I can go off early at all for training in the first place.
And I know Ben is going today, and Jo, Louis and Za can take care of the team.

Ran to the mrt station, then ran to school, to see the team running up the slope to the track, Xue encouraging some of the slower runners.

Wanted to join the team for statics, but Ben asked Willy and me to go for 8 rounds.

*(&^#$. I needed a run anyway, although a little slow.... Willy ah... need to buck up yeah?

Pool rowing after that. Ben asked the guys to go to the small pool to do rowing. Remembered that I didn't drink enough water before training and was silghtly dehydrated when I started feeling light-headed from constantly yelling "in" and "out". But managed to stay cool hahahaha.

I find myself almost yelling "Ia!" and "sheh!".... need to remember this isn't taekwondo....

I'm so proud of the seniors. They're doing a great job mentoring, guiding, and calling the juniors up.

Went to eat dinner with the team after that.

Then one junior asked me:

"So you'll look out for us?"

To which I wasn't sure to respond...

Until later that I found out that he was some ex-beng. And I mean one of those really solemn, quiet, fierce ones haha. I thought he was picking a fight with daryl, and could also sense some uneasiness in darren, but it turned out he was just making conversation lol.

He adds a very interesting perspective to the team, I hope he stays on.

And she keeps looking at me.

Scary hahahaha.

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