
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Yes... Zwei can jump now! XD

Finished jumping forward and backward which means... all basic movement minus turning around is finished!

Anyway, going to log one mail because unlike the usual fanmail, this one makes sense... and confuses me in the middle.

'You know what? I didn't even have a planned discussion for this message. I just wanted you to know how great I think your music is. I'm sure that when people first start on this site, they first seach for mixes of games that they have played, then search for popular ones, then search for other mixes from artists that they like. I have done just that, and I am searching through all of your songs submitted here on OCR. My first expirence with you was with ascention to cosmo canyon, when searching through final fantasy mixes. Let me say that even though that song was never the absolute best on my list, it has always been at least in the top 5 or 6. But the amazing thing is, it lasted far longer than any other song on my mp3 player. I can only fit about 70 songs on it, so I am constantly rotating what songs I have on it. When I get board with a song, I get rid of it and replace it with something new. Ascention to cosmo canyon is the second longest lasting song on it behind Darangen's 'warriors of light'. The only reason that it is beating it in terms of length on my mp3, is because I found it first. Then, while searching through Chrono Symphonic, I found 'Too far away times', which also imeadiately went up to the top. Now when searching what you have done, I have decided that without a shadow of a doubt, you are the best(my opinion). I see that your songs only have about relatively 30 reviews, but it doesn't matter because I see you as the greatest, and would like to praise you for your work. Congratulations."

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