
Friday, April 06, 2007

Some birds are just meant to fly higher than the rest, to be free among the crowds.

I wonder what it would be like to get into the swing of school again. The normal flow is something that I tried so desperately to get out of.

Resources for the government. Overworked, underpaid, that's what the people in this country are. Underpaid perhaps not in money, but in other things. They console themselves with the figures that they make, the cars that they buy. They think that what little autonomy they have in their daily routine is a life.

How good it is to be naive.

How good it is to just be able to accept things like the way they are like a mindless drone.

But that is society, convention. If you challenge that, people will call you weird or crazy.

Den got enlisted already.

I remember the day I enlisted, he and JW were there to see me through all the way to the terminal. And I handed Den my tag right before we parted, keeping the "long" part.

It was to be a reminder to me to who I had come to be, and who I wanted to be, because I knew that being in the army may make me face that person whom I was so long ago, and I might need an extra reminder to remind me of my goals.

I wish I was there for him when he enlisted. But I was in China. One of those missed calls was probably from him. But I know those from the team that I passed down to him were there for him.

Den, Jonny, Louis... all the captains I've trained or mentored ended up in the commandos somehow.

Those whom I was close to in high school are overseas, or I have distanted myself from.

The old squad isn't in contact. We meet once a year or so, but nothing more. Perhaps there's something among us that can never be put to rest. There is always a state of tension among fighters even if they are friends. And we really don't need such a reminder anymore.

Is there no bond that can last? Friends come and go, family comes and goes, girls come and break your heart.

Sometimes its better off being naive.

Its better off just following society blindly.

Everything is as it should be according to convention.

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