
Monday, April 02, 2007

Last night after everything was over, it was party time, but the happiness of everything ending was slowly replaced by sadness.

It was weird, having a table of guys, men, sitting at a table with tears in eyes.

It was only 3 weeks, but some of us have became the best of friends. And even those whom we weren't close to, or disliked, had become part of a family.

A family which would be broken apart in a few hours.

And it hurt so much inside, I wanted to tear and cry too, but I couldn't. Like one of those sneezes that keeps evading you. Perhaps I will never be able to let myself cry again, no matter how much I want to.

I am forever cursed to express my sadness only on the piano.

Darren was right, how are we supposed to go on with life all of a sudden as if nothing has happened when in fact our lives have changed.

But we'll do it.

It may be over for now, but the memories will be for a lifetime.

Seperated by thousands and thousands of miles, we'll always have... the internet haha.

It was the experience of a lifetime alright. And as we all watch our family on tv next week all over the world, we're going to feel it all over again.

It takes removal of a variable for you to really appreciate that variable. Just like when I first left singapore.

I can't believe everything is finally back to normal. Running with Nitec, my computer, dota, music, training.

Life goes on, guys.

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