
Sunday, November 05, 2006

Interesting observation by the dog... some people complain and detest certain types of people, but end up becoming like them themselves.

How suddenly people's priorities can change. How easily they conform. But I suppose their resentment in the first place was brought about by envy. Those who are victimized, have only themselves to blame for allowing themselves to be victimized in the first place.

Perhaps not everyone has the strength afterall.

O sour grapes, I do scorn
For in my youth I could not reach you
But now that I have grown
How sweet you taste in my mouth.

This isn't a rant to ease my frustration, rather, a worry for myself. These few days I have been faced with the painful realization that I have also been tempted to become that which I look down upon.

I guess in the end, the only difference is, what I expected of myself in the first place, was probably much higher.

Same thing during school juggling 3 ccas and an insane workload. How easy it would have been to give all the excuses that I have heard and resented for so long. But I knew that these people succumed to using those excuses only because they were less capable.

I call the shots in my life, if any of my priorities starts controlling me, then I will take back the mastership and get back in control. No way in hell am I going to be forced to do something.

A man is great because of his dream, right, hong? No point having a dream that so many people have achieved already. That, to me is boring shit. An uncreative goal set by uncreative people.

Today's race sets with the unis.

Relieved to see our performance within calculation, amused to see the other teams performance within calculation as well.

First secret weapon taught today.

Next one comes next week.

Abit drunk tonight.

Wanted to see things through the eyes of ...

Champaign, Jug, screw driver, sex on the beach, and other nonsensical names. Whoever comes out with these names should be shot.

Drinking shots just because its someone's birthday is the weirdest excuse to get someone to drink. Yet moronically it works. Amazing!

Then the knee arn dragonboaters scheming to get me drunk haha.

Own was wasted, but he gave me a lift home. Nice guy, he is. Lucky he didn't speed but slow driving was never so scary. Interesting conversation, good to know that he isn't a sad growing majority of himbos that I know of.

When he left he was zig-zagging across the double white line wtf.

Yeah, high and sleepy. But I can still think this much, I rock. I think tomorrow I'll read all this and go wtf.

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