
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I can't believe I almost fell asleep during gym again.

Rowing today, sun was frickin intense. So intense that now even the dog is darker than me.

Sometimes its so hard to get through to some people. And you know that they are capable of so much, yet they subconsciously limit themselves.

At times its frustrating because you see more in them then they see in themselves.

The sad part is, we all limit ourselves subconsciously.

If you can see the walls, you can break them down.

Lihan admits to becoming a white ah hao... 'but still very handsome'. Its amazing how someone run 2.4km close to 9mins, almost hit 30 pullups, and after leaving the team become white and flubberish.

I wonder if that will ever happen to me.

Don't think so!


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