
Monday, February 23, 2004

Felt something I haven't felt in a long time during training just now.

Naresh was acting funny during the end of weights just now, and Samantha took measures to bring the level of discipline back to the team.

And so it was that we held in pushup position for 18 minutes after pushups, after weights, after pullups. And I was losing my tolerance to the misconduct of some of the team... especially melvin, who was right beside me. The thinks that he is damn tough, just because he can hold pushup position. Acting cocky, and laughing, humming and making comments to himself during the punishment. Wake up your fucking idea, Melvin. If you want to prove that you are powerful, disciplined, or whatever, then you can bloody well train harder and win this fucking race! Instead of feeding your ego and acting tough because you think that the girls can't handle the punishment.

Power comes with discipline, and apparantly some people cannot comprehend this simple function. Its sad that they didn't learn it growing up, or through scouts, NCC or some form of martial arts. Damn glad we have the Army to attempt to imbue some of it into some people.

Instead of acknowledging his weaknesses and try harder to overcome them, he makes excuses for himself and compromises every aspect of training. Perhaps I shouldn't tolerate him either.

Anyway, at the end of the 18 minutes, Samantha yelled "Am I going to see a more disciplined team next week?". Some yesses. Then she yelld "I can't hear you!".

Then I snapped. I felt my control shake, loosen.

And I heard his voice come out of my mouth.

I felt him right beside me, yet in me, my spirit shaking. And no more words could describe him, but in the brief silence that followed, he faded away. It was just a flicker, but I could feel the after shock in me.

People say that they get pissed off. That they get mad at others.

Well I don't. Everything is in a controlled fashion. Every confrontation met with logic, ethics, and morality.

But all these barriers and filters which I have set up to flow in parallel with the world... they know no middle, or centre setting.

I have a very high tolerance level. But certain things may trigger him. Then everything comes down.

The thing about these barriers is... they are not set up just for me to seem cool or in control. Certain past events... perhaps my curiousity or research and training in certain areas have led to dangerous findings. And with great power, comes great responsibility. Sounds familiar, but unlike the man of steel this power has no positive output.

Then I fear, that if I snap, will I just kill a man with one blow, or would I beat on him first just to enjoy it?

But that will never happen.

Yes, it will not.

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