
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Its amazing how the extreme variations in tone in voice acting for anime works so well when all that the on screen character does is not move his head nor body, but twitch his/her mouth. It just works somehow.

However, watch the same type of variations in tone and combine with what would be the actual bodily gestures done in a Japaneses serial... and it looks... very overboard.

I was reminded of the question: "what is the meaning of life" recently. I remember being extremely troubled by this many many years ago. It was probably during that time when I made that big decision. I factored everything in... religion, friends, family, money, interests. But as much as I pondered I could not find the answer.

It came instead, through my gut one day. Just a feeling. Not any logical semblance of thought through my consciousness.

To me, the meaning of life, is to give it meaning yourself.

It would probably be different for everyone. Based on personality, character and such.

To me, it was meaningless to follow the majority. Even if I would do well following them. Because in the end, there are always outstanding people everywhere.

Being in the same track as everyone meant having the same significance in life as them, and if everyone had the same significance, then there wouldn't be any significance in the first place. CEO's of big companies make big bucks, but no one gives a shit about who they really are. Some people may respect them, maybe those in their area or industry, but all they will take into significance would be the position and not the person.

My calling in life would have to be to create things no one has done before. I would inspire, influence and motivate many more people than these people would.

A life revolving around money would be too common and boring. A life revolving around religion only would be too dependent. A life revolving around work which you don't enjoy is for mindless drones.

Having friends that passed away at a young age didn't help. I used to have nightmares of his pale bloating face.

When you die, if you were rich without a cause, people may see what nice car or house you have, but they won't look up to you for the right reasons. Envy and competition, breeds jealousy, contempt and hatred.

The aftertouch is as important as the sustain.

Everyone was doing the same thing. The same old boring shit. Competing for the same old boring shit. To ultimately get the same old boring shit.

A life like that indeed would be meaningless.

They can follow all they want, I wizened up.

It was a long hard journey, never certain, despite all the careful planning, research and speculation.

But thats the hardest part of it; trusting your gut.

I have finally made it here to the beach.

A vast ocean now waits for me.

I have traveled so far, made a few slightly off-tangent turns, but the compass of my heart never lied.

Words can't express my excitement right now.

Joel OMG, Exams came a knocking in 2 weeks time! says:
smu is a scary place
Joel OMG, Exams came a knocking in 2 weeks time! says:
ppl are trying to get full marks for their quiz abd exams
Joel OMG, Exams came a knocking in 2 weeks time! says:
and it's not like the standard is pri sch's

Whats the point if everyone is aiming for the same thing?

Sometimes a part of me wishes I was naive and could play their game again.

Then again, a part of me is grateful now.

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