
Thursday, May 24, 2007

IQ, EQ. Alot of research has been done into the study and development of these two quantities of thought. Its a common assumption in today's world that if one possesses a higher level of one, the other will be off lower level. Taking into consideration that it does in fact seem that one is ying and the other is yang to achieve an overall balance of state of mind; given a fixed quantity, expanding too much into one will lead to an offset in the other.

But what if that fixed quantity could be increased? And one could achieve a proper equal balance of both?

Often those who prematurely exercise bias to either IQ or EQ consciously or subconsciously find themselves critically limited in the other. Given a fixed quantity of energy to allocate to either extremes, allocating too much on one extreme will result in neglect to the other. Development should therefore take place at the point where that quantity is generated and nowhere else. This is something that is very often overlooked.

Music if used properly can help in the development of EQ as certain types help bridge the gap of understanding emotions and awareness. However it is a double-edged sword as it can also stunt development.

Even in the paradigm of emotions one can see the principles of ying and yang again. So many types of music evoke different types of emotions as well. Limiting oneself to a certain type results in loss of understanding to the opposing types and prevents overall advancement. Of course, preference is good. It gives direction and perspective.

When I hear "crap" songs on cd or radio sometimes I do tend to be critical about them at times, but I can appreciate the values of the aspects of the song despite the terrible points that jut out.

Having a job that revolves around enjoying your work posses a big problem to me in this area. Alot of EQ being used... not really alot of intelligent problem solving.

That's probably why gaming is so important to me. Planning, thought, execution. Working on MUGEN helps alot too. Maths, Physics, alot of logic and problem solving there too.

Without them to balance out... I think I may turn into a dumb shit over time.

Yet one thing puzzles the shit out of me. With all the training and development I spend on EQ. Why the hell can't I feel some things subconsciously? Too much control. I have to channel them consciously through music, otherwise I will not be able to experience them at all.

Surely I didn't do something stupid like work too much on IQ until that area of EQ is critically screwed.

I usually get myself out of this type of problems by studying other people... problem is I haven't met anyone else with this stupid problem yet.


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