
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Yesterday was insane.

Was supposed to be on duty, but ended up spending less than an hour in the office during the day.

Last minute touch ups, ammendments, link ups with contractors. 5 Branches around the institute urgently needed my help.

Its nice to have the army on your side for a change. Got a ride from a mt spec in a gp vehicle back home. Was trying to study the standing orders for vehicle commander hard... they really plan for the worse case scenarios.

And I didn't get enough sleep again last night. Lucky my growing spurt is over, or else I'll be stuck as a shorty because not enough sleep = less cycles of 4th level of sleep where human growth hormone is produced = less growth hormone = stuck as a shorty for life.

Yes, I have discovered the reason why singaporean kids are so short. Mahaha.

Anyway got some bad news about the passport renewal.


I hate having to depend on other people for help. Reliance is a weakness. And for all I claim for myself to be responsible, this was a major cock up on my part.

Still need to settle some stuff.

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