
Sunday, July 16, 2006

Today's time trial went ok.

After the first lap of warmup, could see sensei's face behind those shades trying very hard not to smile. Because he knows that if I saw him smile like that, I'd get cocky. But I saw it leak out anyway :p

He tried to teach me the scf stroke. Kinda apprehensive about that at first, because it feels like my old stroke, instead of my new stroke.

Did some 250 sets. Can't pull as fast with the new stroke, because not really used to it... but second set managed to clock 59 seconds again anyway. Need to find a way to combine the front catch and my flash stoke.

Feels kinda weird being infront of the other boats. The current team has some interesting rowers.

There's one junior, came in about half a boat length behind me for the first set. He was pretty excited and expressed his intention to beat me the next set. Reminds me of myself when I was still in the team. Slowly aiming to beat every senior and potential rival, until I became number one. Unfortunately for me back then, there was one strong rower who always kept me at number two.

And unfortunately for that junior I beat him by one boat length for the next set.

A little dissapointed that there wasn't anyone in the current team who could beat me today. But cannot be complacent as there will be much stronger rowers in next weekend's race.

I still remember my first T1 race in that reservoir. Only trained for a couple of months before the race. It was race-practice, or exposure, or whatever nonsense, but I still didn't believe that a noob couldn't beat the experienced rowers out there.

Near the end of the finish line that day, I remember the shortness of breath, the pain everywhere from lactic burn, the frustration, then everything slowly getting darker... darker... then the next thing I knew, I was floating in the water, the njc and ntu boat circling around to come and help recover me.

I suppose I could say I rowed my heart, soul, lungs and spirit out until I blacked out for that set haha.

Right now, my race plan involves me hitting my muscular limit at about 10-15 strokes away from completing the race. A good sign that I'm not hitting my cardio limit instead, but need to find a way to burst for those 10-15 strokes instead of dying out, because if I die out and slow down, the other boats will overtake me in those last few crucial meters.

If I managed to do that somehow, I'll be able to shave-off at least 2-4 seconds, resultant timing: 57-55 seconds. Then I can gg. As it is right now, my start burst will leave the rest of the competitors at least one or half boat behind - unless there's some genious who can keep up with me for the front period, which is highly improbable with scf's current training style. Then again I need to update my research on the new coach anyway. I'll need that lead to kick up into higher drive then keep upping gear until those last 10-15 strokes, then somehow hope I can summon the adrenaline and will to final burst.

6 days to race. I have yet to do the forbidden training. Maybe I've been putting it off because I'm scared of it. But its gotta be done before the race, otherwise I won't be completely ready.

Sigh. Time to get back to work.

Kinda sucks having to juggle so many projects so that I can go for the indo race. Luckily for me, the incubation problem solving method comes second-nature by now, saving me a huge amount of time.

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