
Monday, October 25, 2004

I can't remember when the last time I felt.... was

the last time I laughed at a joke,
the last time I felt sad,
the last time I felt excited,
the last time I felt angry....

Maybe somewhere along the line I found out that if I dealt with these feelings after setbacks, or losses, I could pick myself up so fast, and go again. But getting numb.... wonder if its worth it.

I would never put myself in the victim's position. Some people say fate has put them in a bad place, or god is playing a cruel game on them. I could never accept anything associated with the fact that there's something out there that does something to do you that you cannot do anything about.

These people mourn and bask in their self pity, in their terrible predicament, that they cannot see the positive or the opportunities presented to them where they are. They are the real 'losers' in life.

But maybe sometimes you can get so caught up in "winning" or "losing", that you forget to just "live".

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