
Sunday, March 04, 2007

Training today. It was long but brief, and I've done all I can to prepare them for the race in what little time we had. The rest is up to them.

Gym with the Nitec. Sometimes I think that the way he likes to put himself in rather undesirable situations is so similar to Ced. I mean... its good if you are doing it for something. A reason, a long term goal. But sometimes.... ^_^;

Well... whatever works! haha. The universe is a vast place with many driving forces after all.

Its funny how we are influenced by the people around us, yet when you reduce that influence, it is then when you know who you really are.

I shouldn't have practiced it last night. Its frickin addictive. Hands slicing through the air. Power, energy, ki. Felt so alive in a long time.

I'm just so tired of being afraid of what I might do. Sometimes it may be hard to trust someone again, even if that someone is yourself.

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