
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Aight so what do the guys who don't have psps or handphones to play with do during rehearsal breaks or waiting back stage? They play hand games... those slapping or hitting games that they used to play back in school. And some of these games that the ang mohs play are damn interesting. Even more interesting because most of these guys are like 22+ adults... and their expressions when they play the games are damn fricking funny. Though when the huge guys play... it gets quite scary.

Its damn weird seeing yourself on tv... let alone a cinema sized screen. I know that its going to be pure torture watching myself when this gets televised.

One of our female dance instructors is damn hot. I don't know whats about modern dancers that is damn hot. The movements to the music, the sharpness, the energy. But I still couldn't talk to her today. Hahaha. knn.

And in the evening, I saw something that was frickin inspiring. Amazing.

I've got the fuel to go on again.

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