
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Shit shit shit.

I got... composer's block.

Training today... alot of bad vibes coming back.

I hate not being able to row because I have to steer the boat, but when timed rest sets are concerned, there's no room for directional cock up. I know that drn feels the same way. Luckily I've done the sets before so I don't have to feel for the recovery time.

Getting pulled more and more to that type of method again. Need to think of alternatives fast, but it seems to be the only way to get things done sometimes. Then again, I pride myself in being able to think out of the box for these kind of things.

There are times when I want to take care of the team, because I see them as my little bros. So I tend to want to use encouragement more than the other way.


A blade that cannot be sharpened on the sharpening stone needs to be heated.

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