
Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Star Ocean is awesome so far. Its been so long since I've actually been able to get involved in an rpg. Battles are awesome simply due to the fact that moving and attacking are completely simultaneous, which is something new that tri-ace introduced to the first few rpgs it produced and it works really well.

Not like almost every other rpg since Final Fantasy I which uses turn based monotonous pacing.

Went to school to do weights, then went to watch Kitaro live.

Saw the Prime Minister and his wife during the interlude walking over and queing up to buy the dvd/programme booklet with the body guards.

Had such a weird thought....

3 Body guards close to the PM, another 2 ghosting somewhere from the exterior, 2 policemen guarding the west exit, 3 policemen on patrol... sensed another body guard but didn't manage to see... probably trailing them.

If an assasination attempt were made the culprit could have easily, attempted it right there and made for the east exit which was unguarded. Or, roped down from the centre balcony drop.

Anyway Kitaro plays with... such emotion.... its as if it is almost religious to him, or probably some listeners. HIS BAND is pretty awesome. The female violinist wore a outfit, and the female keyboardist.... but the female percussionist... omgomgomg.... she wore this black dress.... exposing her upper chest and shoulders.... it was so gu niang.... like what gu niangs wear to party's and the only exertive action they would do is take a drink from a pricey glass.

BUT when she started to WACK the timpanis!!!

Holy shit.

I have never ever seen a GUY hit the timpanis and xylophones at that speed and force, and the crescendos.... all in that little dress... and with such grace...

Anyway what I've learnt today is that it must feel damn good to WACK a timpani.


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