
Saturday, May 08, 2004

Stoned around in the water sports clubroom for awhile in the morning yesterday, I really wanna find out who the wise guy is who decided to take the half of the padlock to the weights room away, now no one can get in...

Helped out Kor in Funan for a while before we went to Bishan gym with Kendrick and Jason. Then Kor, Jason and Kendrick went to swim while Dennis arrived and I continued to gym with him. Was laughing with Jason about the swimming thing earlier... Kendrick was like damn nervous cuz of what Kor brought for him to wear. It seems all of us kenah what Jason called the "Initiation" before.

Damn tired ah, headed home after that for a nap, then woke up to play Onimusha 3. Wah... the pacing of that game is.... damn great.

Busy day today.

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