
Friday, May 14, 2004

Shrek was damn fun to play as.

I kinda like Shrek alot cuz unlike most modern day heroes, kids look up to him for whats inside, not how he looks. Hell, anyone who never saw the movie before may even think he's scary. There're no physical standards for them to set for themselves too, so they see him for his character instead.

Anyway the suit is daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn big ah. The stupid thing cost 24k SGD loh... but its damn professional. Even with the aircon blasting at IMM I felt like I was in a sauna.

Ahhh but the reactions you get from kids is priceless. Usually their eyes light up! And to see them stare into your eyes thinking they are looking at Shrek, is really cool. Although some kids who were being carried got a little scared.

Then touring the mall there was this chiobu who kept peering into shrek's mouth hole to try and get a glimpse of me. She went "Can see inside? I bet he looks real cute." Ahahaha chio bu ah, next to shrek, anyone would look real cute loh.

The show went well, was sweating like hell and was damn glad when Shaun and Stanely helped get the suit off. Whew.

Went rowing at kallang yesterday. Met Al in the waters! The difference in standard between my 2 month old K1 rowing experience and his 7 devoted years to rowing is damn scary. How the hell can he maintain that rate and power for 6-9km? Argh... I'll keep up with him soon enough.

While washing up some ex national team rower borrowed the hose. We talked for abit, turns out he's chinese high's coach. Damn nice guy, he asked if I thought of joining the national team and offered contacts if I ever needed them.

Ahh... why is it so hard to find such nice people nowadays?

Quickly rushed down to school for land training after that. Winston said I got fatter, frick! Time to up my cardio program. We did pool rowing. My wing and back almost died... maximum NR rowing for 1000+ strokes is killer.

On the way back I bore witness to a travesty.

Watching TV mobile, La Toya got kicked off from American Idol.

WTF is wrong with them stupid americans.... can't figure them out sometimes. Jasmine's skills aren't even half on par with La Toya, geez. Damnit, that diva had better get a contract. She's too damn awesome, stupid voters, shame on you!

I now leave you with an angry rant against spyware.

Stupid gay companies should get shot for planting all these spyware all over the place. There's spyware that sits in windows media player, or even notepad, stealing cd keys, or credit card numbers, or anything you type for that matter.

They can leech information, or syphon data to your computer for larger hijacker programs.

They can hide from your tasklist or processes, or even startup list.

So please, all of you go get spybot AND adaware, update both of them and delete all the spyware from your com now.

Spread the word on how to counter this nonsense and hopefully they'll give up.

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