
Monday, June 18, 2007

Bishan running club run tonight....

With... NYP poster boy Dam and SJI poster boy to be Crazy Sam.

And we did a new record.... altogether too. Awesome. Usual timing 21-22mins for the sin ming route... tonight we did it in 18:50mins.

But I get the feeling that it was because the traffic lights were mainly green for us -_-;

Nevertheless it was an awesome run.

Its hard running with a handicap... but you gotta just trust that you will benefit and improve more in certain aspects.

Like today, the constant ratio no matter what... left me almost suffocating for air.

But I remember Tim, and want to push as hard as him. Which is ironic because for long runs like these we try to stick together and wait for each other every now and then, then push together.

Its the teamwork that makes it more fun.

Walking back talking about school and stuff... nowadays if you get 10-11 points you may not even get into your selected course in poly. Poly is slowly not becoming just the place you go to if you can't get into JC.

It seems the world is lagging behind me. Hahaha.

Erm... Dam and Sam look... quite alike.

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