
Sunday, January 29, 2006

The day I saw you flicker, my heart stopped for a moment.

It tore me up inside to see those vagrant pixels ravage your clean projection.

What could be the cause of it? Was it that faulty usb2 card I installed? Or the new ram? Who has been bullying you?

But alas, it seems you may have passed the point of no return. Even typing this I fear that you may suddenly violently throw those blocks onto my screen and block my view.

Argh... my display card is sick. Suspect one of the intricate wires is burnt out. The longer I turn this screen on the more in danger of crashing.

I hope I can finish this entry before that happens ^_^;

Taking this time to brush up on my piano skills.

Concert on next next friday at nyp.

Need to get my ff7 battle theme to become godlike status again. And the new arrangement will make it ultra godlike status hahaha.

Plus the new medley. I always like to challenge myself to come up with a new arrangement for every new concert. I still remember my first concert. How frickin nervous I felt...

How I couldn't even start! The first few keys I hit were the wrong ones.

Ahh but after that, it all fell into place.

And concert after concert was perfect.

Been thinking about canoeing.

About how I should get back into the game.

But still am afraid. What happened last time.

Managed to beat some njc and ntu guys, but in the end, some one who's been rowing for so many years shows up and grabs the medal from all of us.

"Its not the medal that matters, its the struggle and how you get there."

I wish I could see your point of view.

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