
Saturday, September 17, 2005

Thus endeth the week of centralized training.

Dissapointed by the news, but I'm determined to make sure nothing like that happens again. The knee is much better now, I can finally get serious about working on my weak points again.

Anyway, I ache everywhere. Rowing everyday with nteam plus safsa training is no joke haha I wonder how much I rowed this week...

Sat: 10+12+
Sun: break
Mon: 12+
Tues: 12 + 10+
Wed: 10
Thurs: 12+10+
Fri: 12+

Total: 100+km.... roughly.

If I focused it in one direction I would probably be somewhere far away be now? hahaha.

I'm just so relieved to have more free time to myself at last.

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