
Thursday, January 29, 2004

Am blasting Flight of the dragon which I uploaded to pathos a couple of days ago. One good thing about doing something impromptu is that when you listen to it later it sounds... new, almost suprises you haha. Its nice in a different way. Anyway's it was composed for DC's stage for the upcoming MUGEN project. Depicting an ancient mystical dragon which his country has summoned to help them win a raging war in times of desperation. I love songs with backgrounds XD

These past few days have been a time of reflection for me for my training goals. Ever since the canoeists and dragonboaters have their land training days on the same day, I've been put under some considerable amount of stress. Normally the dragonboaters would come first, however the upcoming canoeing ivp is coming up, and what Samantha said is true... "dragonboat ivp is in june, whereas canoeing ivp is in march." So not only should I train with the team and commit more to canoeing, but I should also train with Sebas, my T2 partner.

If I looked at things in terms of competition dates, this would all be a simple matter. However, this period of time is also crucial to bond with the dragonboaters and try to retain our numbers for the race in the future. Especially with the new guys coming in.

Plus, it just hit me on monday that there were two stabbingly contradictory reasons for me to train in either teams.

I joined canoeing because I was dissapointed in the team, because I felt that I had misplaced my trust in them. For going for extra trainings everyday with hong, for running until I sprained my damn knee, for working so hard to catch up to the seniors standard. But in the end, all the seniors left, left me with a team which went into last june race, and whos captain said that "he didn't expect us to win."

I was so pissed off, I would not waste all these trainings and I believed that I could excel further without the uncommited members of the team weighing me down. So I would go for my own race, without them, and prove to myself that I could win something for I would not be able to do so with the team.

But come the new semester, the new captaincy, the new team. This new, young team. Not a single member in the guys team which I knew when I first joined. Perhaps, some new hope again. But in the end, problems with commitment and numbers. Perhaps some problems in the leadership, but some of them are trying. And it saddens me to hear of such problems all of a sudden which I feel either

1. I could have played a more constructive part and perhaps curtailed the matter
2. Are so trivial which these people cannot solve for themselves, and in turn blow things up.

But I still want to try to help this team out. Its not about winning anything in this matter, its about my responsibility to the seniors, to make this team thrive.

So when training days clashed and I was forced to choose which one on monday.... I could not. For my reasons to train in either opposed each other so greatly. I needed to sort this out. So I went to Bishan gym, Shimona came along and was good company.

And so, after much thought, it is done. My reason to train IN canoeing FOR dragonboat. My reason to compete in the upcoming canoeing race for the dragonboaters.

But alas, it shall not be revealed here.

So yes, I shall train with the canoeists and commit totally to the upcoming march race, but I shall still keep in contact with the dragonboaters, and try to eat with them after training.

And Samantha said something about land training picking up to everyday. Then perhaps I can sneak back to db for a while...

Rowed alone on tuesday. Its nice when the whole of kallang basin is empty, and its only you in the vast body of water. Even nicer when dark clouds cover the sky to shade you from the damned sun, even nicer still when it drizzles lightly and every square inch of water around you dances to the rapid beat of the clouds.

But alas, the clouds were much darker on tuesday, much heavier, and sensing much danger in rowing alone in such conditions, I started to make my way back to SDBA. And the rain got heavier, and heavier until it was a huge storm. You could see strong winds blowing the rain as they hit the ground in huge waves. And every drop stabbed into my arms, my back, my face but worst of all, my eyes!

Thankfully I made it back to the pontoon in one piece and proceeded to keep the boats in the rain.

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