
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

DISCLAIMER: The below post MAY have been made by this individual, or it MAY also have been made by someone else whom this individual googled on the web and thought that it might be interesting to note down. NOTE THAT this certain individual MIGHT NOT support this person's view. ALSO NOTE that this individual typing this entry may be called Mr Rhi Juyce Sam Puw who lives in the Kalangantanwan nation. Take that losers who throw bloggers in jail for posting on sensitive topics.

I hath fury.

Been hearing alot about riots and protests regarding some comics depicting a certain religious figure.

And I just want to say....

Why do some people lack intelligence? Its sad really. If someone disses your god, you go out and bitch and bitch until you get people killed? How stupid are you? Throwing rocks at policemen? Did your god tell you to do that? If he didn't, then go back and ask him clearly what he wants you to do regarding this matter. Personally, I wouldn't bother worshiping a god that tells me to throw rocks at people because someone slandered him.

If you want to uphold your belief, your pride, your heritage; There are always better ways. By choosing violence and chaos, you have picked one of the worse ways. PLUS, you make your god look even WORSE. Look at the women, protesting so peacefully, the children, continuing to do calligraphy to uphold the religion. But someone who has too much testosterone let violence lead him into doing some really stupid things.

People got killed protesting. You think they are martyrs? Did your god tell them to die after throwing stones? The people you throw stones at aren't even the ones who drew the comic! You terrorize innocent lives, while the comics did no harm but brush your religious pride.

Would God want that? Sit down and think about it.

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