
Thursday, July 14, 2005


Today started out shitty haha.

Forgot to bring my vest, so ended up doing bangra work in my smart 4. Then kenah targetted by sergeant major... first he threaten to make me sign extra for not bringing my vest, then he did it again for not sewing my name tag on the new set which I wore today. And... he's given me a nickname... "dragon". Which he so proudly presented to the entire company. -_-;

PC and PS are trying to get me to upgade or cancel my downgrade and stay in scouts.

Its not like I've grown fond of the platoon and all. And I can imagine going through whatever with them. But I have to remember why I took the path that I took.

Back in bmt, I knew that if I wanted to, I would have got the platoon best, made it to ocs, and been the best officer cadet there was. It may sound cocky, but its the amount of shit I've been through that gives me the confidence to say that. Anything that the government can throw at us, I can do it smiling.

But in the end, I chose to follow my original dream. SAFSA, and the gold.

And now, so many steps are being put into place. I can't give up now.

I know that I could be the best scout that this company has ever seen. Its so easy for me to get lost in that idea now.

But I need to stay on track.

I keep telling myself that what sets me apart from the rest is that when I set out to do something, its all the way, and I'll end up on top.

But I need to choose that goal for myself.

Nteam training tonight was insane.

Long D sets, standing sets, static sets, then 100 of andy's squats. wtf.

Legs feel funny now, and I think I'm going to end up walking like a retard tomorrow.

Oh well.

TGIF, eh?

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