
Sunday, April 24, 2005

Taking a big gamble.

To pass up being an officer, or being a spec at sispec. To row for safsa.

Part of me worries that I may be taking the easy way out.

But there's no point trying to be what I don't want to be. I need to go back to my passions.

Called Keith the other day to make arrangements for after bmt.

Then I also had to pass up the try outs for close combat instructor. But if I made the cut... I won't be able to join the nteam.

7 weeks to go.

Geez... It seems so far away.

Army songs are sad.

Especially the song we're supposed to sing during pop.

Everytime we have to sing it, it hurts inside.

Training to be soldiers, to fight for our land
Once in our life, two years of our time
Have you ever wondered, 'why must we serve?'
Because we love our land,
And we want it to be free, to be free

Looking at the runners, people everywhere
Children having fun, while we are holding guns
Have you ever wondered, 'why must we serve?'
Because we love our land,
And we want it to be free, to be free

I hope a way opens.

Friday, April 08, 2005


Its finished.


Thursday, April 07, 2005

Finally finished.

Hell yeah.

The past few days and sleepness nights paid off.

Now all that's left is to get a good recording from the player to render into wav.

Omg this may take awhile.

Anyway... last supper with the team today. Glad I took off from the nteam to see them again and finish up this last piece.

Gave that system that I've been thinking off to the exco. Spent alot of time dwelling on that... the last thing that I can give to them. But in the end they are the ones that have to execute it. I see a great future ahead of them.

Everything's secured now to the best of my ability. I can go in with peace of mind.

Funny how my life revolves around my passions.

The team, training, music.

And now all that is going to be snatched away from me.

I'm angry.

But I know that I must be strong. Because to let them make you feel bad would be to let them win.

And there's no one that I can talk to again.

Heh, always trying to be the pillar of support and strength.

If it goes down what will they do.

Well, I uh...

Argh! I'm going in tomorrow!

And I'm not finished with the stupid ass overture yet! And there's still so much to do today.


Stayed up till 4am last night to work on the damned thing...

Last theme now, finale movement.


Monday, April 04, 2005

4 more days till I get shipped off to tekong.

Dunno what life will be like then.

Part of me is wondering what be if I had actually went and deferred again to join the team for the sea gamez.

But I really can't imagine pushing this back again another half or one year.

My only fear is the... 6 hour sleep or less regime.

Soon I'll be joining a new team again. I'll do my best to support them, just as I had supported my previous teams.

Anyway, what's ns. If 9999999 singaporean guys can go through it, I can go through it with a smile on my face and one hand tied behind my back.

Pretty excited now actually. I wonder if we'll have self defence lessons. I don't know if I'll be able to resist sparring with the instructor... despite Andy's advice 'not to be number one and not to be last'. Wonder if he'll be able to avoid my jumping thrust opening haha.

Still need to finish this overture... my greatest work yet. Its about 14 minutes long now.