
Friday, August 15, 2003

Yes, I'm way too free right now...

Killed me some ahmalikans last night on ultima online. Made a post about the battle:

There was a tense atmosphere in the town of Vesper. Creel, Tristan and Grax stood near the bank. A dark green void ripped apart and out stepped the green beast, heaving his body heavily as steam rose out from his mouth in each breath. On him, the high priest of Set.

Moving straight to Tristan, a smirk came across the face of Zaratoz. "You, are in so much trouble,"

Tristan looked up defiantly, "Is that all you have to say to me?

Zaratoz brought his mace forward and pointed it at him, "Where, is your armor?"

"In a safe place, where it will not corrupt anyone." Tristan replied.

But Tristan did now know that Zaratoz was referring to whatever new armor Tristan had, for he had noticed that he was in commoners clothes.

From the corner of his eye, Zaratoz spotted the Paladin Creel. The high priest glared at the paladin, then turned his attention once again to Tristan.

"Foolsss.... Soon Set shall extend his realm into ours, you have just given up your spot with him!" Zaratoz approached Tristan slowly.

"Then what, what do you think he will do to you once he wins?" Tristan replied.

"As long as there are souls to be harvested, I shall be his marvelous instrument. When there is no more work to be done, then I shall rest." Zaratoz approaching closer and closer.

Tristan reaches into his backpack and pulls out his shield and sword and readies himself at Zaratoz.

"Oh please, what do you think you are going to do with that?"
Zaratoz's eyes grew wider, the menacing green tint in his pupils glowing brighter.

Tristan begun the charge. Zaratoz turned and lifted his mace up once again at the charging knight slowly. With a circular motion, Zaratoz deflected the sword and immediately struck an upward blow to the knight. Slowly, their fierce clashes made Tristan back up into the bank slowly. Tristan spotted an opening in his opponent's defence, and proceeds for a low thrust, unaware that the opening was done on purpose.

Zaratoz smashed his mace downwards with full strength, knocking the sword out of Tristan's hand and screamed against the floor as it slid across the room -

The final forceful blow upward with his mace. Tristan flew backwards and off his horse. Slumping onto the ground, never to get up.

Zaratoz approached his fallen fledgling. The scene, so familiar...

-A flashback-
Zaratoz stands over his fallen fledgling, calling out the spell to return him to life. "Ye..have passed the test. For avoiding the tactics of another, and the originality of your own. That is what makes you a true fighter.. a true dealer of death. Remember this day, Tristan..if ye ever think ye cannot beat anyone, there is always a way.

Zaratoz's eyes grow wider in anger. He steps across Tristan's fallen body, kicking his helmet off. Reaching down and pulling Tristan's head back from his hair, he takes out his knife and places it at his neck.

The Paladin Creel standing at the doorway, then, -

the stroke.

Tristan's green blood splashed on the walls of the bank, dripping from the roof in sickening heavy beads.

Zaratoz threw his head up and screamed at the top of his voice "Your soul for Set, TRAITOR!"

Creel immediately raised his sword and begun his charge at Zaratoz. More clashes, leading them outside of the bank.

Both reaching into their bags, Zaratoz brings out a candle infront of him and closes his eyes as creel takes out a handful of small stones. The high priest whispered a prayer as lightning struck the ground in front of him and a great golem arose to do his bidding. The Paladin threw out the pebbles around him, two large Thesselains appearing from the stones in a cloud of smoke as they continued to charge towards him.

A fierce battle ensued between the green Priest and the white Paladin, each side's beasts falling one by one. The Paladin summoned more and more Thesselains as Zaratoz swiftly charged past them on the green beast to exchange blows with the Paladin. The Paladin retreated to heal himself, unaware of the silent spelled unttered behind.

Creel almost flew off his Thesselain as it suddenly stopped and screamed as it spasmed painfully. From the corner of his eye, Creel spotted the flashing orb fly out and land near him. The bright orb grew brighter, then silent, as a void, then the great explosion. Creel gritted his teeth and held out his shield to cover both him and his mount, emerging unshaken by the attack, but burning.

Tristan appeared again, and Creel summoned more Thesselains again to his command. Zaratoz cleverly splitting them up by diving into the town to single them out, but they reunited time and time again. The two swordsmen slashing their swords to hit against the green mace. The solo on both sides, now turned into a duet against Zaratoz, both swords singing a distinctive different pitch.

Zaratoz retreated from the two knights and large army of Thesselains behind him, he spots Grax grinning and chuckling to himself at the side of the bank.

"Grax," Zaratoz smirks at the evil necromancer, "feel free to help." Grax nodding his head and smiled sinisterly.

Soon, Tristan fell again, and finally Creel. Zaratoz stepped over the body of the fallen Paladin, and placed his knife at his neck...

*Zaratoz holds up the heads of Tristan Kilgore and Creel* Let it be known! All who trespass against Set shall suffer a fate worse than death!

Yes, Ultima online is that cool

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