
Saturday, August 23, 2003

So I left the house and realized I left the report for the presentation at home.

More great news.

Went to school to render the stuff. No way the movie would render in time, so I rendered scenes instead, and put everything on a zipdisk. Went down to buy a file, 1 sausage egg mcmuffin, and headed to the LT. Then I realized... they may not have winzip.

So, I headed back up and unzipped my otehr files, and placed everything neatly in a folder on the disk and headed back down to the LT.

Then, I realized that everyone was using flash or powerpoint to present, and I only had rendered jpegs.

So, when it was my turn up

Vincent is ghey, he didn't want to let me copy my files over to the com and just started the presentation even after I told him about it. "Your file take very long to copy one." wtf? Stupid fat ass. At least let me copy while you are presenting or else later will be worse, right? He seriously only cares about himself lei, I can see now what charles meant about him being such an ass. I guess there will always be self-centered, arrogant assholes in life. All we can do is make the best of them and use them for our amusement.

Anyway, the presentation com was using winxp instead of win2000. Hooray. So for the presentation I just opened up my images directory, and hit "view as slide show." So impromptu, so pro. Yes, after fighting so hard, the presentation was a success. Genious, Reu.

Left early to run down for training.

11:30am. No more boats, no more paddles. So I watched the canoeists go back and forth. Examined their strokes again.

Then went running with some of the dragonboaters. And that's when everything went downhill again.

Bloody crap training day.

things that went wrong:

1. Felt bloody fatigued when running, even lost out to melvin.

2. Couldn't get direction right in the canoe.

3. Couldn't canoe properly due to fatigue.

4. Didn't get first for every set.

5. Felt woozy after canoeing so didn't go down to the dragon boat.

Yes, isn't that marvelous? It was really utter crap lah. A normal person would feel really down right now. But I, such a genious am extremely pissed off and shall analyze every aspect of what went wrong.

1. Felt bloody fatigued when running, even lost out to melvin. 3. Couldn't canoe properly due to fatigue. 4. Didn't get first for every set. 5. Felt woozy after canoeing so didn't go down to the dragon boat.
I was wondering why I was so beh gan. Bloody pissed that I couldn't push hard enough. But on retrospect, I should have seen the signs earlier. Little brother even hurt because even my piss was so damn bloody hot when I went to the toilet after the run.

a: Not enough energy: One sausage egg mcmuffin and one banana has insufficient number of calories for such training. Stick to the usual 2 sausage egg mcmuffins in the morning next time.

b: Take better care around the sun next time. Hyperactive sweat glands + high sensitivity to sunlight = good combination for burn out. Running shirtless along kallang in the 12pm sun != good idea (!= is noe equals to). Bloody hell. Why can't I just be an invulnerable iron training machine? Heck, screw it... even top atheletes know the importance of all these things.

2. Couldn't get direction right in the canoe.

a. For goodness sake, check stroke. It turns out when I'm tired and start sweeping, I don't sweep properly at all. Need to imagine that semi-circle better. Keep arms straighter, stroke is looking and feeling better now. Do more plymetric twistings.

On a lighter note, the new girls on our team are so promiscous. Before training Casandra and Jasmine were talking about some stuff, then I saw them looking at me from the corner of my eye...

"Reuben, can take of your shirt?"


Daring and promiscious indeed... o_O
Geez, they think what, free show ah? Come to think of it... that group of canoeing junior GUYS asked the same thing. I suspect something's up with them.

Hehehe, she's so cute, and in school of health sciences lei. Smart and cute, and available, and year 2. Fuafwafwafwa. >_<

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