
Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Flashback to 4 years ago

Its my first taekwondo tournament, M is my bench coach for the match. I go over to the registration booth to get my headgear and torso guard. I spot my opponent. Shorter, but heavier, to be in the same weight category as me. I turn away to face the front. The current match is still going on.

We wait, for the first round to end. M comes over. His eyes, looking straight into my eyes, that confident stride. This national fighter is going to give me some words of advice....

"So.... "
He pauses, we look at each other in dead seriousness
"How are we going to get lunch later?"

The seriousness was broken like a violent blood-curdling scream of rape in the silence of the tranquil night.

I let out an amused grin.

The match is called, I walk to the centre of the mat where the referee is pointing. I look at my opponent in the eyes, we nod at each other in silent approval.

"Chong, hong! Chalyeo, Kyonge, Chumbi... "

We yell out battle cries.

"See jung!"

I maintain my stance, he doesn't move. What the heck is he doing?

'Okay, Reu, focus, read him'.

I examine his stance. Eyes fixed on my eyes, high standing stance, high arm guard. His right foot forward, earlier when tying his torso guard the right ribbon was over the left - right hander. Right hander + right foot infront = quick front kick counter pose. Perfect counterattack position. I take an aggresive step forward to test this, he responds with footing change as well. Shoot. His smaller and shorter frame would make it ideal for him to execute a quick counter attack should I move in. His eyes still on mine. He's waiting, too patiently, he's counting on the counterattack and probably has had the training for such a thing.

Damnit, my height gives me the range advantage, but his counterattack game seems too solid. I can read what he wants to do, but cannot form a plan to beat it.

"Chong, hong!"

The referee cuts in for awhile and makes the double fisting gesture to tell us to take action.

We still stare at each other.

I adopt a lower stance to feign an oncoming attack. His eyes shift to me torso, he's going to attack!

He executes a typical one step forward, slammy kick. I do a jumping kick while flying to the side. "BAM" Contact to his chest piece.

"Chong, hong!"

The referee restarts our positions.

M shouts for me to attack.

I go in. Sure enough, he jumps backwards while delivering a frontal kick. Pure defensive. I need to move in more! I advance with a turning kick, reverse high sweep combo which he blocks. He moves within range, eyes my torso again! Block!

I manage to block his attack.

We break off. Referee calls for the half time.

M hands me the water. I drink it. He tells me which kicks to execute, and goes on... I stare at him and nod. His words whiz right past me. I'm a blank. How can I possibily make an offensive if this guy plans on counterattacking?

The referee calls us back.

"Chong hong, See jung!"

Second half begins.

We stare at each other again. Bastard, I'm not falling for your trap. Bring it on. I walk sideways and around the ring area, he follows likewise in the opposite direction. Eyes to my centre again! Incoming! I throw out a front kick but he's too fast, he's in already. Reverse sweep! Get away from me! I whiff air. Then feel the light hit to my back. A desperate attack while inside my space, he stumbles backwards and I deliver a punch to his collarbone sending him furthur back.

Expression of pain on his face, still looking into my eyes. Careless, I let him score a point.

The rest of the match was made out of attacks and breakaways, no points anymore.

The match ends, I slump on the floor, panting. M throws me the water. I drink. Regain composure, panting, sit up properly. I drink some more.

The results are out. tie game, 1 all, but he wins due to superiority (term for more aggresiveness).

Too concerned about having a perfect battle, analyzing and forming the perfect plan to beat him that I forgot the most important aspect - FIGHT.

Nothing can be accomplished by analysis alone. Sometimes you need to shut yourself up and just CHIONG.

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