
Friday, August 15, 2003


I want to get:

Street fighter ex 3
Marvel vs capcom 2
Capcom vs snk 2
and Snk vs capcom: Chaos when it comes out on the ps2. Then I can go to the arcades and beat the shit out of those fat little kids who have nothing better to do than go to the arcade the whole day. Go and get some exercise! Turds...

These will also provide countless ours of multiplayer fun with the guys after sea training.

Not to mention the NARUTO FIGHTING GAME coming out. Which I swear I will master all the top tier characters just for the fun of it and beat the snot out of the hardest computer AI while picking my nose with the other hand.

I will also die when the new teenage mutant ninja turtles games is released. 3D Hyperstone heist, with better gameplay, special moves, team up moves!!!! And best of all! They're NINJA TURTLES! FRICKING NINJA TURTLES!!!!

Maybe get WWE just cuz Rendy wants it so badly...

Then for serious research, I shall have to play:
Legaia 2!!!
Devil may cry 1, 2
Final fantasy X, X2
Kingdom hearts
Suikoden 3!!!
Grandia extreme
.hack// series
Parappa 2!!!
Tenchu 3!!!

Being in the games business with all these titles and features flashed out in your face during research and gameplay analysis makes me want to play them even more.

Die lah... so many... I'll never finish these damn titles. Maybe just stick to fighting games which I can play at leisure whenever I'm free. Heh, remember the times I would search for cheats just to ruin the game for myself and be able to move on to another title. That periods over now, tho. Training first, then school, then games. No problem.

Last day here at attachment. Really happy to go back to school on monday. Screw you, collared shirts! Screw you long pants! I'm going back to cutaways and berms, oh yeah!

I must begin the process of gathering the most elite team in games design and possible animation when I get back to school and start on my most magnificent MUGEN project yet.

Yess.... excellent. Capcom and stupid playmore can eat our dust.

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