
Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Canoeing training yesterday. Led running with Ah Loy. Only 6 rounds... really slow too, about 2:30 per big round, last round about 2:10. Did statics, Joyce counted really fast. Why do charboh always count so fast one ah? Couldn't maintain diamond all the way and resorted to normal pushups because she kept going too fast. Easy for them because their knees are on the floor lei, the guys who want to do standard all the way down and up pushups need slightly more time per rep lah. The new guys quite beh-gan for pushups. Towards the last set see them with a " >_<" expression, and just holding there while counting, without actually going down. *sigh* Should gan them next time.

Pullups, seniors did 6 sets of 10. That's like... more than what the dragonboaters are doing now, but still no problem, haha. Did 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 and 14 just for the heck of it as the juniors watched in horror. They're quite funny loh, There's this junior who kicks his legs outwards to the side when he pulls up. Jian peng laughed his head off when I told him that guy looked like a jellyfish.

Then we played games.

100 metres dash scissors paper stone was okie... my team lost cuz the other side cheated! Dunno why I was so sway... kept losing... especially to joyce *shakes fist*. I can't read signs as well as I used to. Hrm... totally forgot the tell-tale movement patterns.

Then we played captains ball. This went well, too, until I got the ball and...

"Reu has the ball"


2 guys around me, then I heard more, and I found myself crouched on the floor with the ball under me and people piled up on my back >_<. Buggers tau-pok'd me. Grrrrr..... We lost captains ball again during the 10 minutes game. Stupid, my team... LOST?! Impossible, yes, they must have cheated again.

After that my team had to do stupid forfeits. Turn 10 rounds around a pole, then belly dance for 10 metres. I told myself I wasn't going to get dizzy... but ended up dizzy. Grrr... weak. How do ballerinas do it. I must train by turning around in my room tonight.

Got some comments in the changing room from some of the juniors, and it hit me... these were the same things we said to our seniors back in the first year. They seemed so confident, so invincible, but yet, I now know that even us as seniors have our worries about our weaknesses. Stuff about having a nice bod, or being a machine or inhuman at the pullup bar. Still learning how to react to such comments. Its weird, in way, because in my mind I'm still that weak year one who's looking up at his seniors standards, yet these people are looking up to me?

Looking back, I wonder if I would be the same person that I am now without CCAs.

I joined the piano ensemble knowing only a few pieces and improv songs, now I've arranged and composed pieces that grade 8ers are asking scores for, and have done fully digitally orchestrated pieces.

I joined the dragons not being able to do even half a pullup. Now 10 sets of 10 is possible. Weights and running have seen vast improvements as well.

CCAs really are an extremely important part of the evolution of the human being throughout his years in school. I can't imagine being the same person that I was right after secondary school. Insecure in a way, quiet in a way.

And with these landmarks, I'm stil moving upward.

Designing and drawing or studying can only get you so far, I guess.

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