
Sunday, September 21, 2003

Went to the symphonic band concert on friday night. Wahaha, not bad. They played some old themes from musical and stuff, some were really nice, like the princess mononoke arrangement, then there were some pieces that I just spaced out at... Su Zhen played a solo violinist part to the theme from Titanic. She was damn good, as usual. Even flew through harmonics then back to the main melody. I miss working with her a little... still remember the time I found her practicing outside the auditorium at night during rehearsal for the school's 10th anniversary musical.

Our symphonic band has an... interesting combination. They even have a double-bassist along with the drumkit, and usual percussive instruments. Mr Luk ended of the concert with Can't take my eyes of you. Probably his favourite arrangement. The band plays it all the time - at open house, club crawl, last year's sinfonia... this year Cindy from stage arts sang a duet with another male singer. Hmmm... She was really good, glad to have her support in the musical.

The concert was an excellent opportunity to provide new ideas for my musical. Interesting how the arrangements they played were quite similar to how I'd usually play with my arranged medleys. Two or three main themes, taking turns, one after another, presenting themselves to the audience. Accentuating each other and complimenting one another. Tried to take note of the instrument usage... marvelous. The trombones, clarinets, saxophones, flutes, all cannonizing and playing duets within duets, even the percussions reacted to each other. Damn fun.

Weekend Sea training! Team Geh-Kiang was back in the T2 together! Hahaha. Yeah, I still want to go for my race, but I think Hong-da and I can get the ivp gold for the t2 doubles next year. Managed to feel the catch really well, and feel the pull, even direction was ok... for a while hahaha. I tried to be backman and hongda was frontman for the first time so... direction was still screwy. But damn can we go fast. Started training looking for pong, lai-poh, jeremy, yong qiang, to change paddle for hong-da. That, along with the laps after that, we did 20km altogether. That's like... a canoeing marathon already. And I wasn't even thirsty! And the weather was FABULOUS! Dark cloudy skies, and moderate precipitation... all the way. Perrrrfect damnit. I think we were laughing like 25% of the time at the start because we were talking so much cock. Like, how some of the NUS girls have weird canoeing habits. They'd look down on the left pull, then look up on the right pull, wtf? Then we mimicked them.

Did a couple of 1km sets with coach and the k2 girls. First set started fabulously, cept for direction, then some gu-niang speed boat went past and the waves came... INTO our boat. The damn waves were higher than our boat and reached out and overturned us. That was the most fun capsize that day.

Dragonboat training after that. We did 8km. Performed all excellent sets, Coach Ben sat infront of me and rowed for the 2nd set and woo... emulating his movement gave new insight to the kicking part of the stroke. Marvelous.

So yeah, it was a damn kickass day. Hahaha.

*sigh* Wish canoeing didn't have to be at a certain time... I wish I could be elsewhere, but I have a commitment and goal in the team.

Well its lazy sunday, back to slacking, muahahaha

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