
Saturday, September 27, 2003

Well, the concert went okay.

No big errors on my part, was worried about Yimei, and eah, she ran into some difficulty but valiantly fought on and completed the piece.

I've been doing some thinking about my playing style recently. Some comments during the early rehearsals about how I was playing up to my usual standard got me a little stressed. Actually made a conscious effort to play harder or softer, crescando and crap. Nonsense. Then I realized why I couldn't play too well.

Its the bugging juniors. They hear about their almighty piano ensemble president being damn friggin good. Then when I go up to the piano to play, they all come around or quiet down. Anticipating so much. Of course a genious like me wouldn't freak out at the enormous amount of pressure, but I was only to perform up to 90%. Tzk's words rang in my head "Be the club's pillar of support." They are relying on the president to set the standard, to look up to.

It was when I went home that I realized what utter crap I was putting myself through. I listened through my previous recordings and found so much more feeling in them. Then it hit me. I'm not the ensemble's pillar of support so that I can play like some piano god, I play how I want to, therefore I happen to be the pillar of support. Just like during year one, when 90% of the ensemble went out to perform reading scores, but I told myself I was the genious self-taught year 1 who didn't need any scores and didn't make any mistakes. That, was the pressure that I gave myself.

So Weiheng called out my name for the Naruto medley. I bowed. Saw the full room, wasn't bothered, and went up to the piano. No battle mantra needed even, no deep breath, just the keys. And I felt the melody, at last, after all the rehearsals. How AKFG portrayed the saddest emotions in the melody. I died, I cried, I fought on, and the piece portrayed the emotions perfectly.

Then when it was time for Musashi's theme. I sensed their expectation again. Could I outperform my earlier piece? It was a different feeling from the first, David's harmonies of fight, valor and courage went through my head and fingers. And I hit that damned ending chord right, Hell yeah!

Then Miss Teo trouble after the concert. Reuben, you're taking too many leaves, blah blah blah, too many outside commitments, blah blah. Did I give you permission to go for the concert?

Then she tried to talk about "compromises" yet again. Bullshit. I'll tell you what this final year studio project is - its bullshit time management. You want us to sit in that room from 9 to 6 everyday? Then expect us to put in extra time too? Just so that the stupid school and look good for their stupid client's project. This schedule is for what? I'll tell you what. People with no lives. Yes. They will come to school, do their project like zombies, then leave for home, eat porridge, and go to sleep. Well SCREW THAT. Do they actually think of everyone as such losers?

Whatever. In comparison to JC, School, studies, homework, revision. Its still less packed. But more retarded. Then there's this crap about her giving the students a hard time and joking about it. Like wtf? You're in this game industry for what?! So that you can pressure students? So that your ego can be boosted when you talk about how great your past was? No. The previous company you worked for didn't even do fantastic games. The gameplay and stressed polishes could be there. But there's no passion. None at all. And she's attempting to pass this on to the students.

Well, most of the staff and supervisors don't know shit about games development in the first place. They may know about the industry, and what they have to do to make a good game. But guess what? Your retarded logic and patterns and attitude won't get you anywhere. It's creativity, passion, and love that will make it big. Why? Because then your production team will be inspired, will come up with fantastic ideas, have an awesome drive, then it will be passed to the ecstatic player.

I hear Vincent or whoever talking about wooo... how good this person is... how great his 3d modelling is, working at ivlab or not. Its crap. Your skills are just that. Did I feel anything when I was working with that person? No. That's why he's still nothing.

She wants to compromise all she wants. Go ahead. Is it worth it? This is just work to her anyway.

Only work.

Which might as well be sweeping the floor.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Was talking to Joshua in between rehearsals for thursday's piano concert.

Learning alot of stuff from the bugger, he almost freaks me out sometimes.

Like, how he taught me how to remotely control another person's pc from your computer, and how to watch their screen. Idiot caught his friends surfing porn even.

Then he explained the blaster worm to me.

Everyone thinks that the blaster worm is supposed to shut down and crash your computer. But what they don't know is that the crashes and shut downs are actually a side effect. A bug in the program.

Using window's vulnerability pipelines, the virus is supposed to get in your computer, and sit down and wait. What's fantastic is how the virus manages to accomplish this. However, to get through, it must first get through to the mainframe. This is where the bug comes in. There are different entry points to the mainframe through windows xp, and 2000. Can the virus detect what OS you are using? No. So it uses a random trigger to randomly pick an OS and jump in. If it picks the right one, mission accomplished. However, if the random trigger sends it to the wrong OS - crash. Then thsi bug wouldn't be so bad, IF the virus didn't run it's entry procedure very often. Hence, the probablity of it picking the wrong OS and crashing is high.

The blaster worm wasn't meant to hurt your computer. The program was set to lie dormant in your pc, then attack the microsoft server in unison with a D Dos doman. That's when 999999999 computers whoh ave the virus nail the server at one go.

Why a D Dos attack? Because Microsoft's server is so advanced, no other server or pc can out-compute it. Hence, a unified attack would be succesful. The program would flood the server with queries so fast that it would become unstable and crash.

Did it work? Even after the fixes and virus scan updates were spread throughout the net? No one knows. Because Microsoft shut down its server at the time the program was set to attack.

Hence, the message asking Bill Gates to fix his applications before releasing new ones was never sent to the server.

Lesson learnt: Always test your software properly on the variations of your target audience before releasing it.

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Went to the symphonic band concert on friday night. Wahaha, not bad. They played some old themes from musical and stuff, some were really nice, like the princess mononoke arrangement, then there were some pieces that I just spaced out at... Su Zhen played a solo violinist part to the theme from Titanic. She was damn good, as usual. Even flew through harmonics then back to the main melody. I miss working with her a little... still remember the time I found her practicing outside the auditorium at night during rehearsal for the school's 10th anniversary musical.

Our symphonic band has an... interesting combination. They even have a double-bassist along with the drumkit, and usual percussive instruments. Mr Luk ended of the concert with Can't take my eyes of you. Probably his favourite arrangement. The band plays it all the time - at open house, club crawl, last year's sinfonia... this year Cindy from stage arts sang a duet with another male singer. Hmmm... She was really good, glad to have her support in the musical.

The concert was an excellent opportunity to provide new ideas for my musical. Interesting how the arrangements they played were quite similar to how I'd usually play with my arranged medleys. Two or three main themes, taking turns, one after another, presenting themselves to the audience. Accentuating each other and complimenting one another. Tried to take note of the instrument usage... marvelous. The trombones, clarinets, saxophones, flutes, all cannonizing and playing duets within duets, even the percussions reacted to each other. Damn fun.

Weekend Sea training! Team Geh-Kiang was back in the T2 together! Hahaha. Yeah, I still want to go for my race, but I think Hong-da and I can get the ivp gold for the t2 doubles next year. Managed to feel the catch really well, and feel the pull, even direction was ok... for a while hahaha. I tried to be backman and hongda was frontman for the first time so... direction was still screwy. But damn can we go fast. Started training looking for pong, lai-poh, jeremy, yong qiang, to change paddle for hong-da. That, along with the laps after that, we did 20km altogether. That's like... a canoeing marathon already. And I wasn't even thirsty! And the weather was FABULOUS! Dark cloudy skies, and moderate precipitation... all the way. Perrrrfect damnit. I think we were laughing like 25% of the time at the start because we were talking so much cock. Like, how some of the NUS girls have weird canoeing habits. They'd look down on the left pull, then look up on the right pull, wtf? Then we mimicked them.

Did a couple of 1km sets with coach and the k2 girls. First set started fabulously, cept for direction, then some gu-niang speed boat went past and the waves came... INTO our boat. The damn waves were higher than our boat and reached out and overturned us. That was the most fun capsize that day.

Dragonboat training after that. We did 8km. Performed all excellent sets, Coach Ben sat infront of me and rowed for the 2nd set and woo... emulating his movement gave new insight to the kicking part of the stroke. Marvelous.

So yeah, it was a damn kickass day. Hahaha.

*sigh* Wish canoeing didn't have to be at a certain time... I wish I could be elsewhere, but I have a commitment and goal in the team.

Well its lazy sunday, back to slacking, muahahaha

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Oh yeah, Alison got sent to the hospital on tuesday in the middle of training due to hyperventilation. She wasn't here today... wonder if she's ok. Wonder how Melvin must have freaked out hahaha.

Hmm... she's got good training spirit. Sha-neroh! Hope she gets better real soon.
Blardy hell.

Training today sucked. Need to get a little more used to the new running style. Its quite effective, but legs aren't used to it yet. Went 1 round around school, then bailed to the track with Fahmi due to fear of the uphill triggering my runners knee again. Managed to pick up for second last round and speed up more for last round with Fahmi right behind. Argh... that bugger can run...
Soon... soon... I shall conquer the world with my running, muahahaha.

Situps were okay, 100 straight, I think it was quite slacked...

Seniors supposed to do 6 sets of 8, so I set out to do 6 sets of 10. Hmm... retarded bar very slippery because of the rain. Grip kept sliding closer and closer, struggled for the last 3 sets, only managed a pathetic 8 for the last set. Disgusting!

Pool rowing sucked too, pissed off at the entry for the stroke, but I think I've figured out whats wrong now. Then again, quite amusing to see every single one of the seniors having problems with the entry one way or another.

Haha, blardy slcaked today. Shoot, must push harder! Much much harder!

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Went to school gym during lunch break, back to slacking in the studio because the com got busted and needed to be cloned... then went to the seminar with Stephen. Yeah, managed to seduce him to go, hahaha.

I would have been more impressed at their testimonies at weight gain/weight loss, but its no big deal at all. With proper dieting, anyone could get the same results and not waste money on pills or supplements. Their best weight gain testimony was "I gained 2kg taking blah blah blah" Hah, Well I gained 12kg without your blah blah blah... oh wait, I did take something, its called dragon boat.

Still am utterly disgusted with yesterday's 2.4 timing, so I went running at night to thoroughly analyze everything that went wrong. Heck, I came from being able to do 0 pullups, to 3 sets of 20. Hell yeah I can get this damn running thing under 9 minutes.

Pacing Versus Breathing:

There are mainly two types of running paces.

1: Wide big steps, long strides

2. Short quick steps, small strides

Both are applicable to the 2.4km run, based on the runner's preference/body type.

For number 1, due to the long strides and longer recovery time, a 2:2 or 2:1 breathing rythm would be suitable. That's, 2 steps in, 2 steps out, or, 2 steps in, 1 step out.

For number 2, due to the quick and short steps, a 3:3 or 4:4 breathing rythm would be more suitable, due to the fast pace.

Yesterday, I stupidly used short quick steps, BUT with the 2:2 and 2:1 breathing rythm. This results in jacking up of heart rate too fast, and I was lucky to not get hyperventilated.

The next area is in running stroke.

Due to my previous runners knee injury, I adopted the heel-step stroke, to lessen the impact on the knees. This stroke works by you extending your leg furthur forward, "kicking", if you accentuate the motion, forward, landing solely on your heal, and then cycling backward to your toes. Good, safe, excellent for a jog, but not for a timed run.

Just now I mirrored a mental image of jagdish's running stroke and emulated a similar stroke and realized how different the heel-stroke is to his wide stepped stroke.

Familiar... that was the stroke that I started out with 2 years ago before adapting the heel-stroke due to my runners knee.

Unlike the heel-stroke, you throw your leg forward only as far as right below your hips, not any further forward. This allows you to land on a "springed" knee, as well as provides additional push for your recovery, which has you knee bending at a 90 degree angle. This also is beneficial because its a much "shorter" stroke than the heel-stroke's range of motion, so its easier on the muscles and allows better bounce.

But, stress on the knee... is scary.

So yeah, during just now's run... I could feel the speed. Right knee hurt a little, I guess my runner's knee's not fully recovered yet. Screw it, I don't care. I'm taking glucosamine for you already you better perform.

Fitness is bullshit. To perform, you need technique. Same with running, same with pullups, same with everything. And a genius of technique, am I, BWAHAHAHAH.

Damn straight. More research and analysis to be done....

Monday, September 15, 2003

Went to training today after 2 weeks of no running due to projects and injuries and 1 week of no weights due to injuries. Damn, feel so unfit.

And what a way to welcome me back... napfa test for canoeing training today. Walau...

1 minute situps = 56, Highest score in the team, Shaneroh!
Much better than last year... but got room for improvement

1 minute pushups = 43, Highest score in the first batch, held back due to pullups later
canoeists extra napfa item.... dunno what to say here

Pullups = 20, Tied for highest score in the team with Hong da... Grrrr
Wtf? 20? Arghh.... been ignoring lats recently.... that's so slacked. Wtf... ok, every day do more pullups liao, bloody hell

2.4km run = 12:10 minutes!! - Disgusting score.
Disgusting! I ran faster last year with a pained runners knee! 2 weeks without running is no excuse for this retarded performance... gotta run more... disgusting... 1st round, 1:47, 2nd round, 3:30, then cocked up breathing... kept screwing up 2:1 ratio and and went back to 2:2 then had to swap back to 2:1 and found myself back at 2:2. So that didn't help heartbeat at all... then I was running blind without my watch so I couldn't keep track of timing. Watch strap broke a few weeks back with all the rowing and weights. Bloody disgusting.

Had some amusing comments from the juniors during pullups, tho. Used my shirt to dry the bar because it rained earlier, then hung it on the bar to do pullups, then heard them go like "Walau, look at his back... so this is a dragon." Damn funny loh, for some reason they hold the dragon boaters in high regard or something. Hrm... I must be a good ambasador XD

Managed to psyche up well for weights later. Good weights section. Yeah, up to 15kg dumbells for side raises and and 17.5 per side for shoulder press. The fire's back after such a long break. The battle mantra still works well...

Talked alot of cok and did stupid stuff after training. Tried to "fusion" with hongda. Fusion is a special move in dragonball universe whereby 2 characters fuse together to become one character after doing alot of retarded poses.

Came back, some Bruce campbell called. He's holding a seminar tomorrow at suntec and asked me if I was interested in a part time job in the area of nutrition. wtf? That was the most out of point part of today... He got my name from [nyp_dragons]James. It's at 7:30pm tomorrow... I just sign his name at the booth and I don't have to pay for the seminar. Hrm... dunno if I should skip dragonboat training to go for this... on one hand I've skipped 2 DB trainings liao, on the other hand, you don't get called down by a person holding a seminar at suntec everyday either.

Will sleep on this.
Rotted the day away playing FFX...

Damn sad storyline... Kinda dumb, tho. Stupid people don't know how to think of themselves sometimes... *sigh* The story is kind of a cross between Jesus' last days and journey to the west.

hahaha, had a funny thought in the afternoon.

About equality of sexes:

Jesus came down as a man, not a woman. Haha. Then again artists impressions of him make him out to have long hair all the time... Men, be proud. God chose OUR sex over theirs, hoorah.

Yuck, long hair is so gu-niang man.

Managed to do some constructive piano playing just now...

Nobou's Tsuteki da ne, came up with a new arrangement on the spot... may play that for the upcoming concert, I dunno.

Ryu's Theme song is scrapped due to the fact that the retarded theme is so frickin short. I'll probably play the theme of "Brave Fencer Musashiden"!. Yeah, that's a nice exciting piece.

Medley from Naruto is.... coming along. Its fun to play around with two seperate themes in a piece, you can have more variation like that.

Then did some work on a couple of theme songs for the musical. Erm... 2 themes, one for the valley of sleepy willow scene, one for the escape scene.

Kinda behind on the script preperation for the musical... Will probably make the ending something nice... I hate depressing endings.

Friday, September 12, 2003

Its on all the news boards.

and now, IGN.

Previously game hoaxes weren't colaborated over so many new sources, and they usually took place on april fools day. But a new versus series sounds interesting... Both titles had air combos to start with anyway.

Thursday, September 11, 2003


Note to self: do not go full swing at a muscle group which you haven't conditioned for that exercise in a long time.

Yeap, overdid the calf raises and am feeling the effects now...

Was walking like a spastic child because I couldn't straighten my legs while walking, due to my calves paining. And the painification got worse when i got home... can't straighten right leg past 150 degrees.

I've got retarded muscles or something. Usual people ache the day after... if I ache, it happens two days later, or suddenly right in the middle of the second day. Retarded man... Lets hope this salonpas stuff mom gave me helps.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Injured wrist =

cannot do pushups

cannot do pullups

cannot do dips

cannot do weights

cannot row

cannot play piano

So training's out of the question tomorrow, and I don't have anything to do at home exact maybe...


Hahaha, tonight's a holiday!

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Sometimes with all the sterotyping going on, I wonder about the image of the dragonboaters. Although it would be ridiculous to think of a genius such as I to be called a dumb jock, I worry about some of the other guys in the team.

Like just last night I was chatting with Rendy,

Rendy: my shoulder injured mah

Reu: Hahaha

Rendy: Walau, so bad laugh at me

Rendy: Later I injury you

Reu: Come and "Injury" me lah

Rendy: yeah, later running I push you down


And that bugger pushed me down while playing captains ball today. Bloody gu-niang! skidded on the hockey field and now have an abrasion on knee and injured wrist. Should have been able to somersault or at least roll to avert the fall, but I found myself skidding on the field. Must be a glitch in the matrix.

Then this new guy, Winston...

In between sets during weights I'd see him stoning. And I've never seen a blurrer stoning face in my life... its like in between "??" and "!!".


Yeap, things seem to be back to normal. Horaah.

Monday, September 08, 2003

Even since secondary school, or whenever I can remember...

I went to no one with my problems.

Always solving them, by myself,

Bearing them by myself.

There wasn't any point, anyway.

Whatever anyone could say about it, I probably already told myself.

And I didn't need to remind myself of the problem by reiterating it to anyone.

At times, I can imagine myself living a "normal" life again.

No dragonboat training, no canoeing training, no insane weights schedule, no insane running targets.

So free, so carefree.

More time to do my own things, to slack. I'll actually be able to watch TV again. Yeah, I can't remember when was the last time I actually followed any tv series.

Then again, what's the point. Slacking is unconstructive. And TV is a damn waste of time.

Screw it.

I know I belong in the team because of all these things.

You'll never appreciate the climb unless you look down.

You climb because you want to be at the top.

Hell yeah!

Just finished weights. A mere 4 sets but enough to kill the guilt for tonight, and make me more powerful for tomorrow.

Muahahahaha... the world is miiiiiiiiiine!
I wasn't feeling well.

I had a stuffy nose.

I had a cut on my right foot.

I had project work to do.

They say it it seldom rains, but when it does, it pours.

It was pouring excuses for me to skip training for me today.

I guess I'd usually be able to go even if there were 101 problems... but just no mood today.

Dunno what's wrong.

Stephen said "Not in battle mode issit"

Hahah, yeah, maybe.

I need to go and rest at an inn and recover HP and MP before venturing out into the world map again.

Sunday, September 07, 2003

Sea training was... excellent, but very crappy.

Did 10k for canoeing training, then another 8k in the dragonboat. Damn sun was out in full blast. Stupid, stupid sun.

Laps in the t1 were horrid. First, Samantha put me in a low, small seat, so my bum and legs crammed. Damn cramp, its like bending forward for your sit and reach... ok, now go furthur down, that's it, row like that. Feel damned demoralized for not being able to row with the pain. I kept telling myself to find the quiet place, but I couldn't even feel my legs and how much I was kicking. Then I thought "Reu, your legs and bloody cramped, if you capsize now, how are you going to swim and kick?". Managed to keep up with the guys for a couple of laps, but it just really sucked lah. Was so pissed off and myself. I need to become stronger, so strong to be able to row while having the cramp of my life.
Later swapped boats with Naresh. Then had to recalibrate balancing for the high seat. I just wanna go in high seat forever, low seats throw me off for the normal high seats and cramp my ass. Samantha was like "You wanna swap boats, make sure I don't see you cap ah!" because the higher seats are harder to balance. More pressure.

Naresh is really nice, he pointed out a lot of stuff about my stroke and pull, and catch, and stuff, and I was like 'hey... you're right!" Haha, must row with him more next time.

I hate being fussy about stupid stuff like seats and boats and cramps... feel like a retarded gu-niang. I hate capsizing and needing rescueing too. Capped about 3 times with the low seat, then once with the high seat on the way back. I watched as everyone paddled away without seeing me and I had to call out a few times. Finally Loy heard and turned around with Yongqiang, then hahaha Loy capped too!

Damn hilarious, Loy's capped about as many times as me, hahaha, best part is he capped while coming to rescue me. Didn't feel so bad about capping after that.

Was in a really bad mood later in the dragonboat, too. Coach Ben made me go secondary left side, cuz there were too many right rowers that day. Got even more fraustrated when I couldn't feel my usual powerful pull of my right side. Had to keep adjusting stroke to feel catch. Then got even more pissed when I realized that this DRAGONBOAT, with 19 rowers, was going SLOWER than my T1 with _1_ rower. Disgusting. Later Ben mixed guys and girls and put me to be front rower with Jeremy. I was like... whoa. I'm usually power rower at the centre to back, dunno why Ben wanted me to set the pace. Well, had fun at the front on the right side. That cheered me up a little, the boat was flying.

Shoulders and treps... hurt. Hahah, damn solid training. I figured, the canoeists are shacked after their laps, and the dragonboaters are shacked after their laps. And I managed to pull hard throughout the whole day. Power. 18km. If this keeps up, I'll be damn powerful.

Too much weights, not enough technique training... back to air paddling drills everyday.

Friday, September 05, 2003

Just remembered a hilairous quote from camp FOCUS:

Lyuina: What?! Join them for running right after eating so much? I'll get the stitch of my life!"

But, that shows the commitment of the canoeists. Even during camp hours, they would run over to the track together after dinner to watch the team train.

I wanted to join in their statics tho.

Thursday, September 04, 2003

haha, I'm back into the habit of blogging multiple times a day. Guess that shows how boring stuff can get here in the games studio.

Have to clock insane hours anyway. Came in at 7:20am yesterday, and left at 8:30pm. Ms Teo's got me paying back the extra hours that I missed by going to camp focus and cancelling my saturday leave until I clear the hours. Sucks, right? Have to clock 16 hours extra. And hell yeah, I'm going to clock it in 3 days. Wed, thurs, fri. About 5 plus hours extra every day, coming in at about 7am plus, leaving at about 8 plus. All just so that I can have my sabbath, go to church, and ride in my love in kallang basin.

Which reminds me... Rosanna called last week... supposed to do special music next sat. Good opportunity to thank God for getting me out of my current ordeal. Dunno what to play. Not going to ask him for help thinking of a song... abit pointless giving something to someone if you ask what they want, eh? Which is ironic since all my music comes from him in the first place. Maybe a duet again... triplet? Or something simple...

Ahh, back to writing the musical...
Forgot to write about saturday... computer went bust. If anyone is planning on upgrading to MSN messenger 6, make sure you close messenger 5 before the installation. 5 will be using an important dll which is not compatible with 6's after installation, and next time you try to run internet explorer, you will keep crashing. No wonder the damned thing isn't on microsoft's official website. More complications arose, so I decided to reinstall windows altogether.

Sweet, the com's running so fast now.

Didn't go for training because of stupid elbow injury from thursday. Stephen skipped training too, apparantly because I didn't go, and tianhong managed to book out of camp.

So, they came over to my place to play ps2. Played soul caliber 2, sfex3, and that street basketball game. Damn funny when we were playing sfex3, and tianhong tagged out to stephen right when I did a super art, and they screamed in unison during the charge up pause screen before my character proceeded to lay the smack down on both of them.

Went to watch league of extra man at toa payoh. It was... pretty nice. No lasting impressions, though. Felt invulnerable, walking down toa payoh with them, the brotherhood reunited.

Was supposed to go to sentosa on sunday, but everyone was frickin lazy or not contactable, so we cancelled the outing.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

I just got a crazy idea...

Its about next year's night time concert.

I'm thinking about combining forces with stage arts to do a musical.

Already have some solid melodies in mind, all I need it a story to blend this with, and the green light with stage arts. Imagine this: A musical with pre-recorded orchestrated scores playing, a live pianist playing the main melody, harmony or whatever works, duets if possible, and an acting cast, moving, dancing, singing, laughing, talking.

I could work on the scores and use the clarinova to produce the scores digitally from my recording (the wonders of technology nowadays), then find the suitable pianists to play the pieces.

Duets will also be very possible. Piano, accompanying piano, accompanied by woodwinds, trumpets, brasses, flutes, taiko drums, tom toms, timpani, harps, xylophones, bells, pizzicato violins, tremolo violins, fast and slow attack variation stroked strings... marvelous

It will be the ultimate test of my composition abilities, and put those script writing classes to good use. Need to start working on the script now, and the music... Waahahahaha maybe we could even have it in... *gasp* The audituarium! Maybe call in the voice ensemble, the best string ensemble players, yesssss.......
Just got back from camp FOCUS. That's Camp Free Of Charge for all of US. Actually it was a camp to facilitate better ties between all the ccas in school, so all the club leaders went. It was a fun 2 days, 1 night.

Day 1:

Ack, got put into a team and seperated from almost everyone I know who was going for the camp except weiheng. Quickly went around making friends. It's very stressful remembering names nowadays after american idol. When you tell someone your name is "reuben", they all have the same reaction: "Rooooooooooooooo... ben." So yeah, everyone can pick up on my name easily, but I have to go around and work on remembering their names. In future, I should tell everyone my name is just "Reu". Was sabo'd into being the team leader... again. Stupid canoeists... :p

Mass games was okay... octopus and water bombing games I didn't play before, but the rest was all done before either at synergy or ay2y, some sentosa outing. We managed to score full points for the water bombing game. Basically our team had lots of girls, and only about.... 6-7 guys out of 23. And out of these guys, a very very minor seemed the active type. So I knew we had to play by strategy. I went and suggested my usual tactic for FFA games... Since all the other teams will be attacking and defending, we concentrate on defense, or stay low-profile. Let them wipe each other out and exaust their supplies, then we attack. And of
course, my strategy worked. Hoorah.

Then they turned the water sprinklers on at the hockey field which we were playing on. Fake pvc grass, needing to be watered, irony. Mr Guru said that these people cheat malaysia for their water or something. Waaaaw, the sprinklers shot water up to a good 100 metres across the field! I tried ducking under one of the huge streaming jets and looked up... what a sight to behold. It looked like the ground to space laser bombing scene in starship troopers. Then went around chasing the jets of water... ran and jumped into one of the
jets... lifted off the ground relatively dry, landed completely soaked and slightly off my initial course.

SAO officers did some advertising for the upcoming concerts... Edelweis asked me to stand up after advertising the upcoming piano ensemble concert and I saw alot of odd expressions. Raised eye-brows, looking around me, past me. Was wearing my white yankees sleeveless shirt and berms because of the water games earlier. Interesting how people like to "stereotype". They probably thought that the president of the Piano Ensemble is some skinny geeky guy, or arty farty guy. Heh.

Went to do pullups before dinner. The track and fitness corner was so deserted. Very peaceful... 14, 12, 10, 10. Went reeeeally slow. Planning for the finale performance that night. Performance was going to be in the forum, so no piano. And I wasn't going to mime playing the piano, even though I was there representing
the Piano Ensemble. So I went over to the martial arts sequence which was my specialty: improvise, and choreography. Managed to get a really good partner - shirley, green belt from the school tkd team. Worked out a choreographed fight scene with her which included fancy and fast hand to hand sequences, and jumpy kicks like jumping back hook, and turning, 360 turning kick. Our duet of movement and timing was looking up. She's a very on person. Every time I asked her if she wanted to practice the scene she would comply, and everytime I had a new idea, she would comply too. She even added in some ideas of her own and we worked with it.

Dance item was okay. Picked up the first half on the spot after coming in late from the fight scene rehearsals, second half was a little screwy, but managed to get it later.Went to take a shower before bed. Water daaaaaaaaaamn cold...Air cons in the rooms turned off at 10pm. But there were big fans, so it wasn't too bad.

day 2:

Woke up with toothpaste on legs. Courtesy of yongqiang... melvin was involved. Went running with kelvin. Was supposed to be a "warm up" run, but it started raining, and there were strong winds blowing the rain in through the openings in the school so it turned out to be a "try to keep warm" run. We resorted to going to the top floor and running back and forth the clubrooms. Went to do pushups after that. Felt much better then.Frisby soccer absolutely sucked. Team just wasn't sporty overall. No strategy worked that
time. Rehearsed fight scene, dance item. Dance is damn cool, really modern dance with some quick moves. Lucky we had the president and vice president of stage arts in our team, eh? Lunch, then more practice and rehearsals. Was supposed to end the fight scene getting kicked and flying/rolling to the ground. Geez, being a stunt man on concrete ground really sucks. Did a bad fall once, and ended up with some cuts on knee and elbow and a sprained lower right back. Knee started bleeding but I quickly wiped the blood with my finger and cleaned it on the back of my shirt. Couldn't let the team see or else I'm sure the girls will make a
big fuss over nothing. Back really hurt. Was quite worried that I would worsen it or bend down in pain during a kick or roll. Kept stretching. More rehearsals, back did get worse. But I wasn't going to call anything off or compromise after practicing so hard for the performance.

Crunch time, our team was first to perform. Did the sequence with shirley, Everything went well, audience reacted as I hoped, during the hand to hand scene, the getting kicked, the jumping back hook reverse sweep, the hand to hand to kicks, the reverse offensive to turning kick 360 turning kick, the hand to hand to twirling breakaway, the recalibration of stances, the yell, the missed sweep attempt, the dodge, the kick, then did the most hearted-throwing-of-self-onto-floor-fall-and-roll. I didn't care, it was over. The pain, the cuts, the blood, the sweat, worth it. All the while, my fighting partner was Shirley, I'm so proud of her, and proud to have pulled it off with her. Some girls really do have that kind of strength, besides the gu-niang types.

Dance was next, didn't even feel the pain in my back, until it was over and I went to sit down on the floor again.

Some of the other teams performance was pretty good. Some were... odd. Couldn't hear what they were saying at all, so "???"s turned into yawns.

Awards next. They had some odd awards going out, like Mr and Mrs "On" for the most "On" couple, "carebears" for the most caring couple, and "Mr Macho" which I was called out for. Everyone around kept chanting "Reuben!" It was damn embarrasing loh... Come to think of it, I guess that says something about the level of fitness in NYP. I don't think I'm big sized at all. Yet the captain and vice captains of the water polo, swimming, basketball, rugby, and dragonboat and canoeing didn't get it! The president of the Piano Ensemble did! Hahahaha. So sia sway. If hit was hwa chong, walau, just look at the canoeing team. All
about as big or bigger sized than me. Although they're not too tall lah... Got a super soaker and a box ofchocolates which I handed out. The gun is daaaaamn steady. The jet stream is so powerful, can hear the splash spray and impact when I sprayed Samantha and Miranda.

Back to school and project work now. Drawing out a blueprint for an embassy. Damn fun.