
Wednesday, October 01, 2003

It's been an awesome 4 days.

Saturday - afternoon training

Missed canoeing because of stupid project. Went for dragonboat training though. It was... quite fun. Got a solid kicking action now and set next to Thomas. His stroke is like, pretty damn zai. He must have been observing me hahaha. Tianhong came down for training. It was good to have him back during his break from NS. Oh yeah, saw Ryan from TP too. Which came as a.... shock loh. During both our 3 years in dragonboat we like... never saw each other at kallang before. Then while I was going to get some water, he hit me on the shoulder and said "Heeeey!"

I went from a shocked face to a friendly suprised face while thinking damn hard who the heck this person was.. Then... ohhh Ryan. Hahaha.

Sunday - Duo-athelon

Canoe 4km, run 4km.

Melvin was first runner. He came back decently fast, but then was utterly shacked during the canoeing part. He kept stopping despite all my encouragements from the back, so I was pulling the weight of 2 people in the t2. Even coach ben and jonathan overtook us which is... disgusting loh, since I can out canoe them solo.

Was quite shacked during the 4km run after that, saw a couple of NJC canoeists, one of them gave me a thumbs up, and I returned the encouragement, sporting guys, they are. Speaking of which... its quite freaky. The area where they put all their bags is like... full of GNC shackers. Its like the school fricking sponsored them for supplements or something. Saw a couple of them glugging down colourful drinks too.

End result, we came in 21st place out of 34. Which is damn disgusting. Damn running, got overtaken abit, but the canoeing part with melvin was quite bad. He kept apologizing and asked me if I was pissed. Heck, I dunno what I was feeling. Its just too disgusting lah... I'm not pissed at him for stopping during the canoeing, but I am pissed off at the results. The running part was my fault too. I should have gone faster, screw the mentality that I had to canoe harder for the 4km.

Whatever, it's over. And my fire to train harder has been rekindled.

As a result, on monday-

I did 60 pullups during lunchbreak and weights, then went for canoeing training and did another 60 pullups when we were required to do 45. That's 120 pullups, hell yeah. Damn pissed, 21st place my ass. Next time I'm going to get in the top 10. Then running was good too, mirrored Team-Kenya's Jagdish's supreme running style, and went all out during the fartleks.

Then Samantha made us do some weird new style of situps which was, damn fun.

And then today's dragonboat training was damn fantastic.

Ben upped the training schedule again. We did 4km run, which I fell back after about 3km to run and encourage Rendy. Then we did circuits. Which was... super shacking after the 4km. But seeing Tianhong come in first for he circuit... I went all out and managed to come in 2nd after boonsan during the first set, then 3-4th place during the second set.

60 pullups after that, then more weights. Was feeling something was wrong during weights liao. Kept having to go drink water. Then during the last station I confirmed it. Hot breath, burning forehead. Looks like I got carried away during training. I went to the toilet to lie down amd try and calm the Chakra flow in my body, but I guess I'm too powerful liao... couldn't stop it, and I had a chakra overload and burned up even more.

So... called mom to pick me up, then told Ben.

Came home, and under her level 99 drug and soothing techniques, got the fever down from 38.6 degrees to... I dunno, but its 12:25 and I'm feeling much better.

Tomorrow's another story though.

Lots of work to do... *sigh*

This had better be settled be tomorrow, have training on thursday.

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