
Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Met hui for weights yesterday and did shoulders, lat and back.

As a result, was a little XD during this morning's canoeing sea training. Thought I was in trouble during the warmup rowing when shoulders felt heavy in the hot sun. But later during the sprints felt a little better:

During first sprint went off course and omg... that busturt melvin rammed the back of my T1 and made me swerve even farther to the right. Pulled up but came in very close with that bugger.

Next few sets went much better though. Managed to get direction right, and pull away from the other boats one by one. Got bigger and bigger leads too! Muhahahaha. Too bad Jag and Naresh weren't in T1s today... I need to pace with them and beat them damnit...

Did T2 with sebastian for a while after that, damn fast man. But, still no one to pace with. At least we tried harder to get the direction right that time. Its trickier in the T2 for some reason.

Peaked at the lineup for the march race. Holy crap.

Sebastian and Ruben (who spelled my name wrongly!?) - T2 500metres IVP
Naresh and Jag doing T1 IVPs
and me and sebas got T1 OPENS.

Opens... wth? Thats like nationals already. At least in IVP your only pitted against other polys and the unis.

Crap, must train harder.... get faster...

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