
Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Dragonboat training today... was late cause Miss Teo took forever to come and see our presentation slides... although alot of constructive feedback was given, at least she said it looks "cool" XD.

Ran the 4km on my own. Kinda slowed down during the later half but managed to speed up for the last round. I'm going to need to start chanting when I run next time...

"I'm light as a feather"
"Just floating above the ground"
"My legs are like wings"
"So swift as I drift"
"Open wider, go faster."

Ahh, I've come up with a way to increase efficiency while training this week!

During circuit or pushups or what not,
While in pushup ready position and sweating profusely:

1. Lower head for about 3 seconds.

2. Feel the huge beads of sweat roll up your chest or back, neck then your chin and lips.

3. Drink huge beads of sweat.

Ok... I'm resorting to odd ways to amuse myself during training... but it really helps! You can literally feel your parched throat get nice and moist again drinking your own sweat. Recycling salt and water kicks ass.

Sometimes really bo pian also... you can either get dehydrated and shacked.. or! Recycle salt and water!


Weight was pretty good after that. Then a couple of the guys decided to go to J8 to eat, which is good, cuz near home. But we ended up going to Pastamania instead o_O. Ate an upsized creamy chicken linguini. 2 Bucks for the kinda Upsizing really sucks... its like... still not filling.

Stupid stingy pastamania...

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