
Friday, November 07, 2003

Been doing some thinking.

The reason why Miss Teo doesn't want too many people to take the MUGEN project up as a minor is because, if I grab like 3/4 of the minor group, she'll have no one to assign out her own projects too. And these projects are for her goal to establish NYP's gaming repertoire furthur. Always trying to get deals with the newest companies, getting projets for the gameboy advance, the N-Gage, organizing tours for Konami, or that special effects team that did lord of the rings which I can't remember... etc.

I can understand that, but if this goal of hers gets in the way of my project too much, well...
it will not be pretty.

I dunno... I used to like her so much... during the neverwinter nights project, and flash project, when I was like star programmer, she'd support and help out so much. Reu can do blah blah with neverwinter nights, the other groups all expecting something big from the creator of Character of the year for 2 subsequent years, busting out a flash side scroller with complex hit state system, juggle system, combo damage dampener system, planes system and scary AI when she said IT students couldnt set up a decent sidescroler in flash for nuts. I dunno what's changed... I still want to like her, because I do respect her to a certain extent, I want her to acknowledge me, but its difficult now when she keeps trying to pinpoint every mistake I make.

But I won't let this little matter bother me. I'm going to enjoy this major project, and every other project despite everything she throws at me. And what do I have to complain for anyway? Jag's parents are seperated, he alternates between staying at each parent's house, yet he's strong. He will be a tough opponent to beat in canoeing, but I must have more willpower.

Ran 5km then did weights today. Then learnt how to spin a bo or spear wushu style from marcus! Damn cool! Ahuahua, needed that so much.

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