
Sunday, November 02, 2003

Bloody hell sun why must you always be so bloody annoying in my damn bloody face glaring hot burning rays of crap.

Its official, sunblock is as useful as piss. SPF 35... what the hell does that mean anyway? Protect for 35 minutes? or 35 seconds?

Stupid sun was out today during training... and I got sunburnt. But it doesnt help that that damned lifejacket which we are required to wear or kenah fined by the SDBA is giving me an imprint of a singlet on my body in contast to my burnt arms from the damn sun.

And my forearms are peeling. Wtf? I've never been so sunburnt before.

Training was ok today...

Took a looong time to warm up and get the hang of the balance in the boat. Unluckily capsized once at the start tho. Didn't see any of the NJC rowers today but I saw the hwa chong guys. Their coach is pretty funny... can crack jokes and make sarcastic remarks liddat. Then I paced with them a little. Could keep up and overtake a couple of laps but couldn't really feel the pull... until much later. Realized my pedal grip was abit too close. Haiz...

Still quite ham ji in the water. Canoeing can be pretty dangerous too... dunno if you'll suddenly realized if your caught in some idiotic uncle's fishing line... or capsize near rocks and get bad scratches, or the worst case, like last week; when you row so hard and suddenly capsize, then realize your legs have gone NUMB so you can't kick or swim and tow the boat back to shore. Worse is when you've rowed so hard you can't even thread with your arms, but luckily got lifejacket, and you can only cling onto your boat and hope the blood gets back into your legs. Even more annoying is when you capsize right smack in the middle of kallang basin, then you have to tow the boat some.... 500 metres to the nearest beach or pontoon or hope another canoeist comes by.

I can't wait to be able to row with the team again. I so want to overtake all their arses! Ahuahauha.

Sensei told me I'm not aggresive enough in the water. wtf? I suppose I was quite slow when my grip was wrong and was still warming up at the start, but after that I managed to overtake during pacings mah. Then he asked me to do one mroe set of 500metres. And I stupidly just wacked the water all the way... like some sort of newbie.... cuz I tot my previous sets weren't hard enough.

Nvm... next time just relax... stay calm, pull hard, don't capsize.... yeah.

Hmph... Sensei's expectations abit high for me, since he is ex-national rower some more... I'll exceed that. I'll beat them... I'll beat them all... next year ivp gold is mine!

First step, get back to rowing with the team and overtake them all first.

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